chapter 1

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I was born on the same day my brother was, but we aren’t twins not even close. He is older than me by 10 years. When he first saw me, he decided to protect me from everything and everyone. I was never alone, which I was happy for, but it got annoying when a boy was talking to me my brother would run up and wrap his arms around me. On my 7th birthday, my parents died in a car crash. I stayed in my room for days after that, my brother was worried about me, so he got me a therapist (I was mad about that but I went with it). He was like a parent after our parents died, he dropped out of high school and took online classes. He learned to cook, clean, and wash clothes. He got a job at a coffee shop and he cleaned houses. I was glad to have  brother like him, I wouldn’t want any other brother.

 I was home schooled most of my life, because my brother wanted to watch me all the time. But on my 14 birthday my brother decided to send me to school. So I started 8th grade in the middle of the year. I wasn’t ready to go into a school, but my brother was starting a new job and quitting his other jobs. He was going to start working in an office, he was going to be organizing to office and stuff like that, but he was still cleaning houses.  

 Standing at the bus stop was nerve wrecking, until someone walk up and started talking to me.

“Hey, are you new?” He started asking “I haven’t seen you around.”

“Yeah I’m new…” I replied.

“Well I’m Max, and you are?” He asked.

“Nice to meet you Max, I’m Alix” I smiled.

“I’ll be your first friend and I’ll help you out, so don’t be worried” he smiled back and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bus. He sat right beside me and we talked to whole ride to school. We got to school and he held my hand again and pulled me along with him.  

“Hey Tyler” he started yelling.

“Hey Max, who that?” He run to us.

“This is Alix-“ he got interrupted by some other guy.

“So you got a girlfriend Max” the guy joked around.

“I AM NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!” I yelled at they guy, Max and Tyler laughed.

“Okay girlie no need to yell” he started laughing.

“Ok Alix that is Alex, this is Tyler, and Wyatt is beside me” Max explained. “and Alex she is not my girlfriend, she is a girl who is just a friend.”

“Mhm ok Max” Alex sighed. Max pulled me by my hand and whispered “don’t worry about him he won’t bother you while I’m with you.” I smiled at him and shook my head and he pulled me into the school.

 “Max, where is the office” I asked him.

“I’ll take you there” he replied. He stood up and reached out for my hand, we walked together to the office and i got my schedule. Me and Max had most of our classes together so I wasn’t gonna be lost at all. A few minutes later the bell rang and he showed me to his locker so I could put my stuff in his. Then he showed me to our home room, and it turned out the Alex and Wyatt were in 7th grade. I made some friends in the classes I didn’t have with Max. I was starving by the time lunch came. I waited at Maxes locker so I could put my stuff in it. We ate lunch and I talked to my friends then we went to our last two classes. After my last class I couldn’t find Max, which freaked me out. He was always waiting for me outside my class, and now he wasn’t. I was lost in the halls and no one was in the halls. Then out of no where someone pinned me against the wall and I had no time to react.  

“So you the new student?” He whispered “everyone said you were prettier than Ann, and you are.” He started to chuckle “looks like I’m going to have to dump her and get with you, and tell anyone about this and you’ll regret it.” After he finished talking I kicked him when it hurts really hard.  

“I AINT GONNA BE NO ONES GIRLFRIEND!” I yelled at him “and if you think you can make me do anything then your wrong!”

“Look at that, little pretty girl has claws” he smiled “I’m gonna have fun with you” he kissed me on the cheek and left. I was stunned, I couldn’t move. So I did the next best thing and fell to the floor crying.  

“ALIX!” I heard someone yell “Alix you okay?” I looked up still crying and ran to Max.

“Alix what happened, you can tell me” he said worried.  

“No I can’t, I can’t tell you” I cried.

“Okay well come on I got your stuff in home room” he said holding my hand and pulling me to our home room.

 When I got home, my brother wasn’t there. But there was a note and a phone on it. It said, “hey I’ll be home late, so I got you a phone, call or text me if you need anything. Love you sis.” I started crying because I wanted to talk to my brother and tell him what happened, but he wasn’t here for me to talk to him. I ate dinner, then I did my homework after I finished all that, I went to the park I took my sketch book and my pencil. I got to the park and sat in the same spot as I did yesterday, I started finishing the sketch I start a few weeks ago.

“Hey cutie” I heard a familiar voice that made me shake. He grabbed my sketch book and looked at it.  

“Give it back!” I demanded  

“Nah I wanna see what you been doing” he sighed “also my name is Lucas I’m in 10th grade” (middle and high school were mixed).

“Well Lucas, I don’t care about you nor what you want! I just want my sketch book back, so give it back” I yelled.

“No, your my girlfriend and I get to see what you doing” Lucas laughed. I slapped him across his face and grabbed my sketch book and I walked away “AND FOR YOU INFORMATION I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!” I screamed at him.  

 “Hey Alix I’m home” my brother yelled up the stairs. I ran down and hugged him “I’m missed you so much! I don’t want to go to school again” I whined

“Why? What happened?” He asked. So I told him everything that happened all the good and the bad things. He got so mad I’ve never seen him that mad, it scared me.  

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