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Brandon POV
Where the hell is Edwin he not answering his phone Brandon said. Dude chill he with Kyla Zion said I know I haven't heard from both of them. B chill the fuck out. Brandon phone rings it's Edwin. What's up B. Hey Ed I was just wondering if you were okay I haven't heard from you. I'm good B I fell asleep. Ed can you come back in the bed please Kyla said. Okay Ed Brandon said. Bye B I'll see you later. Looks like Ed got some. I don't think they slept together I hope not. B why do you care so much. Cause I have fucking feelings for her and I'm a little jealous and I shouldn't be I have girlfriend. Ughhhhhh. What is his problem Nick said he has a crush on Kyla and he jealous of Edwin and Kyla together. Zion said damn B your down bad.

Brandon went in his room and he has to break up with Maggie he has feelings for another girl he shouldn't feel like that. Maggie coming over to tonight I might forget about Kyla if I'm with Maggie.

Hey babe Maggie said while giving Brandon a kiss. Brandon said hey babe while kissing her back. Brandon the boys said you were stressed what's wrong. Nothing wrong I just have a lot on my mind. Like what babe. Maggie said. Kyla on my mind Maggie she been on my mind for a minute. What do you mean do you like her what's going on. No I don't like her I just feel like I haven't been a good friend to her a lot has happened to her babe. Speak of the devil she calling you. Hey bumble bee hey Ky  bear are you okay you sound like you been crying. It's because I have. Brandon my dad had another heart attack it's been 2 months since he had the last one. I'm scared I can't lose my dad I already lost my brother. Due to gun violence. I'm just having a hard time right now I can't go back to being depressed B. Kyla it's going to be okay I'm here I got you to moon and back remember pinky swear. Yeah I remember to the moon and back. Thank you b I appreciate it and it's nice to finally have my best friend back. I love you. I love you to Kyla you know I got you and I'm glad to have my music partner and best friend back. Really Brandon you love her she my best friend Maggie we're just friends did you not hear the conversation her father has another heart attack she said she lost her brother her and brother were like glue.

I didn't know that exactly Maggie instead of amusing If you want to get to Kyla you should do something with her . She been in my life for a long time even tho we haven't talked in a year she still one of my best friends like we been through so much together. Show some grace. Sorry babe I have her number I set something up and since you were so tensed I'll ease you.

Brandon hears the door and hears screams. Kylaaaaa zion screamed. Brandon came down stairs ky bear  bumble b Brandon hugged Kyla very tight. You good yeah I'm good I got some tea to tell you. What's up well I like Edwin and he so sweet I talked to him about everything with my dad and he just held me. We fell asleep. Ok Kyla I told you he was a good dude. Yoooo Ed. Maggie came down hey Kyla how are you. I'm okay just dropping Edwin off. Are you free tomorrow. No I'm not I have class and I work tomorrow but I'm free Friday I think that's day I'm going to the studio with the boys and Sunday I'm going on a date with Edwin so. Okay how does 12 sound for Friday that's fine I don't have class either. Well I'll see you guys Friday Kyla gave Zion hug. She gave Austin a hug. And Brandon and Kyla did there handshake. Kyla gave  Edwin a kiss on the lips.

Oouuuu Edwin what y'all got gonna on. Zion said i mean we just chilling but I like her a lot so we're just taking it slow but soon she will be mines. Okay Ed you finally found a girl who a good person and not on no weird shit. Yeah I'm happy for you Ed just treat Kyla right she an wonderful person and she deserves to be treated like the queen she is. Well damn Brandon Austin said. I'm gonna go up stairs. Hold on b we heard that song you made what is it called it's called same place. can we hear it's good. Yeah Brandon played the song. Babe the song good but who is it about. Ummmm no one. Okay Brandon. Zion said B now you know who it's about. Who is about Maggie said. No one Zion just being a dick. Yeah I'm playing Maggie Zion said giving Brandon the side eye.

Maggie is  sleep and Brandon can't sleep so he decides to call Kyla. Hey B are you okay it's 3 am is it your insomnia. Hey Kyla and yeah it's my insomnia the pills aren't working. Do you want to talk about what's on your mind I can't sleep either so. Ummm yeah it's you since you came back in my life old feelings have came up and I wrote a song about it. Brandon you still have feelings for me. I thought we said we wouldn't let our feelings ruin our friendship. After we had sex before I left to go LA I couldn't let my feeling fade. That's why I stop talking to you Kyla and  you always been my number one. Brandon I know but you have a girlfriend and I'm starting to like Edwin. I know Kyla it's just old feelings. You know how I am. B it's going to be okay. How about we do what we used to do FaceTime each other and make a song. Okay Brandon FaceTimed Kyla. You look nice boy I have a bonnet on my head. You look good in a bonnet your beautiful Kyla.

Look at this bass guitar I got a couple months ago it's sound so good. Kyla played random notes ouuuu shit sounds good. I already have this beat I was making. Let me hear it ouuu that shit goes hard sounds like so Frank ocean shit and Jena okay mixed it's pretty. Thank you so you want to use this beat yeah. Kyla and Brandon were up till 6 am writing a song. Kyla fell asleep and Brandon isn't tried so he goes down stairs and he sees Zion making a smoothie. Yo Z chill next time I haven't told Maggie about it yet oh damn my bad and I've been meaning to ask you have you and Kyla ever had done anything. Yes we have before I came to LA and we decided that it wasn't going to affect our friendship and I didn't talk to her as much because of that. Seeing her brought my feelings I burnied. B you need to figure your shit out. I am Z. She starting to really like ed. I need to forget about these feelings.  Most definitely B maybe you should smoke. No Z I'm not smoking at 6:30 in the morning your a fucking pot head.

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