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"Adri I'll tell you later truth or dare Kyla said. " Ight but when we get home you better spill the fucking tea. And Dare Adrian said." I dare you to give Nick a lap dance. Kyla said. Ight bet. Adrian walked over to nick and began to twerk on him. "Umm Y'all should
take this up stairs Brandon said" Ight bye y'all." Nick and Adrian said. "Now that there gone Brandon truth or dare "Austin said Truth Brandon said. " Really B your playing it safe but Did you ever have feelings for Kyla. "Austin said as he took a sip of his henny. Ummm yeah I had a little crush on her but I never acted on it. Brandon said while staring at Kyla. Kyla gave Brandon a small smile. "That's very interesting "Austin said. "Very interesting "Maggie said while giving Kyla the death stare.  "Anyway  so how are you guys music coming along "Kyla said while taking a puff.
   "Are music is coming together very well but I need your opinion on this song I don't know what it's missing "Brandon said. "Play it B "Kyla said. Brandon went in his room  to get his laptop and Edwin sat next to Kyla. "Kyla what's your number" Edwin asked. Let see your phone she put her number in his phone. And he did the same. "Text me "she said  Brandon walked back in to the living room with his laptop , piano and beat machine. Damn B you came out here with the whole damn studio Kyla said laughing hard. I know right Zion said laughing. Whatever Brandon played Corpus Christi  Zion got up and starting dancing and so did Austin then Edwin joined. Kyla joined them and Brandon joined as well. "The song is good but I will say add some more bass that's what your missing ingredient". Kyla said. "I knew it thanks Ky we gotta make a song soon I miss hearing your voice. " Brandon said "SHE SINGS SING SOMETHING PLEASE ". They all said.  I'll sing Kyla starting singing everything I wanted by Billie Ellish. Damn Kyla. Edwin said. Damn you can sing your ass off Austin said Omg Kyla that's was amazing Ansley said Your really good Maggie said Damn that was great Ky Brandon said. Kyla your ass need to get the booth now Zion said. Thank you guys. Was that my bestie singing her ass off Adrian said Kyla I didn't know you can that good Nick said while they run down the stairs. thank you kyla said.

Do you make music Zion asked Yeah I do make music Im releasing my song melatonin this week. Kyla said. Oh really can we hear it. Sure Kyla got her phone and played melatonin. Ight sis you wrote and produced it. Zion said. Yes Kyla said. You are very talented you should come to the studio with us and help us write and produce Nick said . Of course just text me the addy and I drop by Kyla said. Yesss We can finally be in the studio again Brandon said while hugging Kyla. B you know I got you. Anyway it's getting late and we got class tomorrow Kyla I'll see you guys next week maybe. How about Saturday we're having a party y'all should come through nick said. Ight well be there Adrian said. I'll see you later B kyla said. Bye Eggy Text me . Kyla said. Ight I will Edwin said . Ma text me Nick said you already now Adrian said. "I didn't get your number " Maggie said . Can I see your phone Kyla put her number in and in Ansley phone as well.  Now bye y'all Kyla and Adrian said . Bye.

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