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Brandon POV
Man I really fumbled the bag Z. Brandon said to
Zion. B what do you mean are you talking about Kyla You have a girl. Zion said. You don't get it I have known her for like 14 years and I used to like her and never acted on it and now Edwin trying to get with her and I really fumbled the bag. I mean I'm happy with Maggie but seeing Kyla yesterday it brought back old feelings and memories. Brandon said while eating his cereal. Damn B you down bad for real but I understand I saw how you were looking when they kissed and how they were all laughing and giggling you looked salty as a bitch. Zion said laughing hella hard. Yooooo Edwin said to everyone. What's good Ed Brandon and Zion both said. So what's going on with you and Kyla ?Brandon said I mean I just met her I just got off of FaceTime with her I'm going to her place at 4 so we can chill or whatever why. Edwin said while making some eggs. Just asking thats what up treat her right Ed. I will Edwin said.

Brandon went in his room and started making music he was going to call Kyla as soon as he was going to call he got a text message.

Texts messages between Kyla and Brandon


Yoo B I need your advice
What's up Ky and how can I help

So Edwin is coming over to my apartment to chill and I'm low key nervous because I haven't chilled or whatever with anyone in a minute.


Ky just be yourself your amazing and Edwin is a dope ass person you will be fine and what do y'all plan to do anyway. I get that you haven't chilled with nobody in a minute but you will be just fine.

THANKS B we are going to eat at my place he said he wanted to cook so we're going to cook together and just get to know each other. I really appreciate you Brandon I'm glad you hit me up cause I was missing my best friend. I'm glad your back in my life. I usually don't get this sappy but I really did miss your four eye ass. Thank you again love ya 🖤🖤I'll let you know how it goes

Ky LOVE YOU TO 🖤🖤. I missed you to and I'm glad your doing well and I appreciate you to you been there for me since the sandbox. I know everything going to go well. Also you better spill the damn tea ☕️. Whenever your off we should make some music together. Have fun but not to much fun Ky

B you know I will tell you the tea 🙄. Friday remember I'm going to the studio with you and the boys. Stop smoking weed. I have to get cute bye talk to you later Bumble Bee 🐝🖤.


Boy 🙄

Brandon is having mixed feelings after texting Kyla his feelings start coming back and he doesn't like the fact that Edwin and Kyla are chilling. He shouldn't feel like this he has a girlfriend who he loves very much but just picturing Kyla his best friend with His friend just doesn't seem right. Brandon decided to lock the door and make a song about he that's how he lets out all his stress.

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