Astrid: Well, it's a lot of responsibility. The map will have to wait for sure, and I'll need to fly Raiden, since you'll be too busy...

(She pauses, wincing in sympathy. She turns to Y/n. He nods knowingly, taking the map from her)

Y/n: Yeah. But I... don't know.

Astrid: I think you're missing the point. I mean, chief. What an honor. I'd be pretty excited

Y/n: I know you would. I have been prepared for this for years. But now that the time for me to take over is coming closer and closer.

(Y/n shuffles to the cliff's edge, gazing out at the new land)

Y/n: I can't help buy doubt myself...

(Astrid looks at Y/n with sympathy)

Y/n: Am I good enough? What if I mess up? I don't think I could every come close being a chief like dad. I barely remember my mom, and now I... just don't know what that makes me.

(He sits at the edge, looking burdened, restless. Astrid approaches and settles beside him, joining him in looking out at the distant horizon. She weaves another braid into his hair as she speaks)

Astrid: Y/n. You need to remember that I am here, I'll always be by your side no matter what. I love you, Y/n, but What you're searching for... isn't out there, hun.

(She places a hand on his chest)

Astrid: It's in here. Maybe you just don't see it yet.

(She gives him a quick kiss, but gets a mouthful of Raiden's slobber. She grimaces, wiping it off. Distracted, Y/n eyes the horizon keenly)

Y/n: Maybe. But, y'know... there is something out there.

Astrid: Y/n...

(Y/n turns her face to the horizon. A distant smoke plume rises from a misty valley)


(Y/n and Raiden fly over the fjord, winding deep through undulating crimson and gold forests. Astrid and Stormfly catch up as the autumn colors suddenly give way to charred timbers. They fly deeper, through ash and wafting smoke)

Trapper's Fort

(In front of them is a sheltered harbor, an explosion ofice stands as an eerie marker of what used to be a trapper's fort)

Y/n: Stay close.

(They fly through the suspended remains of the buildings, splintered, and frozen in mid-destruction)

Y/n: What happened here?

(It's at once harrowing and puzzling. Raiden spots an enormous dragon footprint in the muddy shoreline below, leaving him uneasy)

Y/n: Easy, Raiden.

(As they crest the ice formations, Astrid spots a crew of men at the stern of a moored ship below)

Astrid: Y/n!

Eret: Fire!

(The men fire a stern-mounted cannon. The projectile unfurls into a net. Y/n and Raiden dart out of its way)

Y/n: Astrid! Look out!

(The net hits Stormfly, tangling her wings and causing her to spin uncontrolled. Astrid struggles to free her as they hurtle toward a collision)

Astrid: Y/N!

(Astrid falls off of Stormfly, but Raiden snatches her at the last second. Stormfly hits the ground, tangled in the net. Trappers rush out of hiding, piling onto her with ropes and weapons. She whips her tail, sending spikes flying)

Astrid Hofferson x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now