I saw me and my pretty mama nod our heads at the same time coincidentally. Awesome!!


"The food taste so yummy mom." I giggled as I kept eating these foods called vegetables. The cucumber tasted weird but I certainly love the lettuces more.

I heard both my parents laughing. I think they found that in
a funny way even though it wasn't really that funny.

"The f---?" My own self heard one of my brother's voice who was Xandro. I'm still trying to memorize their names.

It seems he also knows the word. I first heard it from my master but he never told me the actual meaning of it. The truth is, I'm scared to ask about it until now. I'm having second thoughts if I'm gonna have to ask it to my parents instead or no.

"Xandro! Watch your mouth" He points his index finger at my older brother. Xandro shuts his mouth off and gave me a quick glint of anger before turning away from me.

He reminds me of a snake.

I was the only one who was eating my food and most of my older brothers had already left but mama and mister slendy. They were looking at me, but then they were now staring at each other. Maybe they're reading each other's minds like some superhero.

Oh, now both of them are looking at me.

"Sweetheart, don't you want to finish your food?" Mama asks me and I moved my shoulders as I create a shrugging pose. My head was also shaking slowly.

Mister slendy raised one of his eyebrow but I'm not sure what it means. He's telling me something I can't understand much. I heard him sigh his had gently ran at the top of my hair.

"Finish your food, please." Mister slendy told me with an encouraging tone while he was smiling. I actually want to finish my food, but I feel like throwing up because I'm already full.

Was I really put into this much diet?

"I'm full." I said while tapping my small belly that was now a bit round.

They only giggled again but I was a thousand percent serious. That won't change my mind. "My tummy might explode!!"

"Okay okay, I understand." Mom says as she puts the plate away from me.

Me and my parents talked which each other for awhile until mister slendy had to go because of important business.


I was strolling down the long hallway full of beautiful designs. Many colorful frames everywhere. Some have a landscape picture of people fighting which I don't know why. Others have abstract painting that I can't understand too. Maybe they just randomly painted everywhere in the canvas?

I wanna try that though.

My most favorite area at the corridors are the vases with different kinds of flowers.


I yelp out a scream. My aching body fell to the floor. When I looked up, I saw one of my older brothers.


"What the hell! Watch where you're going!" He shouted at me and I slightly flinched at the loud voice, but it did go unnoticed to him.

"What did I tell you about going through our way. Huh?" He shuffles into a new position at the same height as me.

Both of my eyes are widen. I want to speak back but both my tongue and mouth are trembling one at the time. I want to run away but the fear is surrounding me. He was watching me as if I was a prey being hunted by a predator.

I watched my older brother stand up from the ground.

"You won't be a part of this family. And most of all, you won't be my f-----g sister." He gave me a glare too just like what Xandro did to me and walked away.

They really both run the same blood for each other and sometimes, I'm just confused on where the both of them got their issues at havin anger.

I stood up fixing myself, trying to forget what happened even though it hurts for me. I continued my exploring.


A few helpers here greeted me while I was touring myself. They are really nice but I also want to lend them a little bit of a helping hand.

They are probably tired working all day and night too, so I did kind of also assisted them just a little bit. Mister slendy wouldn't know anyway.

I was just waddling around like a little duck when I heard small voices from the distance. I poke my eyes to my right to see a big door of a room. I think it's coming in here so I leaned my ear closer.

"We can't get rid of the wh---. Our parents are already wrapped around that little sh--'s finger." A deep voice had spoken.

"I can't even find a way to get her thrown up." The guy spoke up again.

I haven't had a conversation with them yet and my second eldest brother, Andres, was already hating on me.

I like his name but not his personality.

"Let's just bare with it for now." Another deep voice spoke up and it was Dante, the eldest brother of my family.

Why do they not like me? What did I do for them to hate me? Maybe there's something that had happened when I was still little.

"You're just a little b---. No one will love you."

My other parents' words. Maybe they are right. It really is happening. No one will accept me.

"What are you doing here?" I saw Andres with a weird expression stamped on his face. He's already out of his room.

I shrugged my mind and the corner of my lips curled up, smiling at him. "Oh! Nothing. I was just wanderintg around this uhm.. big house?"

His eyebrows went up but he only rolled their eyes. I can't do that. That's bad.

"Uh, I'll just go now. Nice meeting youu.." I quickly walked away not going to make another conversation. He hates me so I didn't really wanted to make an another arguement now.

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