Ch 1:Confusion

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My head hurts. It's pounding. What am I doing? I don't know what to do. Yeah, I should open my eyes. Yes, I believe I must wake up. Why is it so bright? Ah!! Why is it morning when I finally managed to wake up? Hey! Wait, why does everything feel so unfamiliar, it's weird.

Why are these two looking at me like that, Ughh what are they saying? What?? We have to move. Why have we got to move... I just woke up. They are shaking me, how rude of them. Someone stop these two or I will burn them to a crisp...

"Get up, we have to go," the man said a bit too worriedly. That does not sound right.

The girl also said, "Get up now we must start walking now Mune. I know that you are not feeling well because of your wound, but we must get a head start". If you already know then why are you rushing me, girl?

Wait, I think she is right. Yes, we must go. We must run. I need to get up and run with them. Let's focus on that first. Ugh! It hurts my shoulder and my head. I guess the wound's there then.

We have started walking now. There are many trees and plants aka vegetation around me. So it's a forest that we are in I believe and a dangerous one from the looks of it. These two, travelling with me

I know both of them, we have lived together. I dislike the woman. Her name is Sky. The same cannot be said for Xavier, the man. I seem to have complicated feeling about him, because of Sky. Yeah, it's all because of her. She seems to be responsible for everything that is happening. We..., are not travelling, we are running. Yes running from something or rather someone.

It has been a while since we started walking. I still feel the pain on my shoulder although I seem to have neglected it while I was catching up with myself. My head is no longer pounding. Thank the goddess.

"How are you feeling," Xavier asks while checking my forehead for a fever I think. He's been doing this for the past hour or two. And I reply to him with the same 'fine' I used fifteen minutes ago along with a small smile. I will be honest, it feels good to know that someone is worried about you, especially if it's a good-looking one like Xavier. He's the most handsome-looking person I have seen in my life till now. He's always been a calm and quiet person, with pensive golden eyes and chocolate brown hair. I seriously love his eyes. They are my favourite part of him, after his personality. I am not a person who only goes for the looks, although it does help if the person is good at the eyes too. You get what I am saying right?

"We were really worried if you'd last the night with that nasty fever." Sky adds with sympathy. Huh, leave it to the brunette to ruin my mood with her pitiful sky-blue eyes. Ignoring her and looking around, I notice the trees; they are different from the ones that I know. As for the shrub and plants, they are different too, nothing like the ones I had. And I had lots, as I liked their presence. They were good company, unlike Sky.

We've been walking for a while, I am hungry now. I mention the same to Xavier. He stops and looks around. After finding a tree that somewhat looks familiar, he starts climbing it and throws down the fruit, I catch it. He throws some more and Sky tries to catch them too but fails and has to pick them up from the ground. I cannot fathom the idea of eating the fruit picked up from the muddy ground and yet in front of me, I see Xavier and Sky doing the same.

All that walking while being injured, it's catching up to me now that we have stopped for a break. I want to sleep. I am tired now. it must have been on my face for Sky looks at me and suggests taking a nap for a while, Xavier also agrees with her and give me a nod after saying they'll wake me when it's time to move ahead. And with that, I give in to my tiredness and close my eyes. The last thing I hear before falling asleep is them talking something about Father.

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