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"Nelly.. I know you don't want to talk but I really just wanna know if you're okay... you not a bother to any of us bestie. You're the best thing that has happened to me. I'll never judge you for anything, anything and I mean that. I also um– did the homework for you so you don't have to worry about it. I love you, so so much. I got you forever and always."

Chanel wiped her eyes listening to the audio message sent by Desiree for the second time. Chanel's guilt ate at her heart for ignoring the only people who cared about her, yet she couldn't bring herself to address the elephant in the room at all.

She didn't want her best friends to know what she was going through. It was not only embarrassing to her but she was used to it and didn't need the attention or sympathy just because people felt bad for her. But now that Kay knows, Chanel knew he wasn't going to let it go just yet.

If looks could kill, Sol would've been seven feet under with the grimacing look she received from Chanel the very next day, not only for embarrassing her but breaking Kay's heart as well.

Resent, anger, and embarrassment; not a good combo.

There was a knock on her door, "Nellybean, I made your favorite, come eat sweetie." Odesa called.

The day after Kay left, Chanel packed as much as she could, taking an Uber to Brooklyn to Odesa, crying her heart out in her grandmother's arms shortly before passing out in her old room.

It's been now three days since Chanel has left the Bronx; away from her mother, her friends, trying to keep sane in a world where she felt so out of place, that God was punishing her for something she's done.

Chanel was starting to realize that being in the apartment wasn't doing her any justice. To have lived in the same apartment since birth, to go through her father's death in that same apartment, she slowly grew resentment to the building she once called home.

"Okay," She groaned softly, getting out of bed, heading towards the kitchen, the sight of spring rolls and Pancit made Chanel smile at Odesa.

"Just for me Lola?"

She gasps in excitement sitting down at the table, doing a quick prayer then grabbed herself a plate. Odesa laughed, giving Chanel a kiss on her forehead. "I was hoping a home cooked meal would make you feel better. Tomorrow I can make us some chicharron and arroz caldo." Chanel smiled at Odesa.

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