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Ever since my breakdown, I'd always stayed in my room and kept to myself. I was even more formal with everyone and spoke only when spoken too. Everyone was worried, i see that. But I couldn't help it.

I just miss them so much.

The kids were a constant in my life until recently. They were troublemakers who always gave her doe eyes in order to make me go along with their plan. Those brats. It was weird not having to take care of them. It was weird not being able to watch Kudou-kun mother-hen them-  no matter how much he denied it, he was a mother-hen. It was weird not going grocery shopping with Hakase and scolding him everytime he tried to sneak in some sweet in the cart.

It was.... weird, being here.

I had technically been here, and lived as Hoshino Violet for far longer than living as Haibara Ai and yet... Haibara Ai seemed a more comfortable name to use. I still sometimes answered whenever someone called for Hoshino Ai.


Speaking of Ai, she was especially weird. Whenever I was around her, i felt her gaze on me. It was different than the gazes of the others who looked in with concern. Her's was like she was trying to look deep within me, and find out who i was. It sort of reminded me of myself when I'd look at test subjects. It was unnerving.

Everyone was asleep. Tomorrow was a big day after all. Aqua and Ai were both set to act in a movie. Apparently Director Gotanda Taishi liked Aqua and decided he wanted to use him in his movie. Aqua in turn used that opportunity to ensure Ai's spot in the movie as well. And tomorrow was the shoot. All of us were going to be there, Ruby and I as emotional support for Aqua.

But no matter how much i tried, i couldn't sleep. I slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen. Making a beeline towards the coffee maker and brewing myself some coffee. The smell of the beans spread across the room. It was fragrant and pleasant. I poured the coffee in. I thought about adding some milk and sugar in order to make it sweet, but didn't. Just then, i heard footsteps behind me.

"Vio-chan! What are you doing, not asleep?" Ai questioned, cheerful. I didn't turn towards her and continued to mix the coffee. "Coffee" i said. My gaze downcast.

"Oh? Coffee? Aren't you too young to drink that?" Ai stood next to me and watching at i stared at my mug. While she seemed casual, she carefully watched my every move.

"I suppose i am." I shrugged. Not willing to talk anymore. My mind was way too muddled with thoughts to keep up the act of a child. I knew that Ai suspects me, but I didn't really care. The worst she could do was send me away, but i could always leave if that were to happen and live in hiding once again. Ai observed me a bit more and then smiled brightly. She humed and said, "Well! Make me some coffee too!" As she held out another mug towards me. I looked away from my mug and towards her for the first time that night. She had a wide smile in her face and looked at me with anticipation.

"...." I took the mug from her hand and made some coffee. I didn't bother asking for her preferences and made it extra sweet. She picked up the hot mug from the counter and followed me as i went towards the TV and sat on the couch. I picked up the remote and turned on the news, ignoring Ai. I smiled, seeing a kids cartoon ad. It reminded me of Kamen Yaiba, a show the kids watched often. Were they still watching this, just like before?

Ai continued to watch me. She didn't turn towards the TV throughout and only sipped her coffee.

"Sigh. What do you want to say? You've been fidgitty this entire time." I said, annoyed at her constantly staring. It was silent for a while. Neither of us said anything. The sounds from the tv turned into background noise as Ai spoke in the softest voice I'd heard from her.

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