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"No" i said with conviction, watching their faces change to shock. "Wait what? Really? Your not going to give it a thought first?"

I pursued my lip and frowned. "No means no. I'm not going to do it." I was quite firm in my decision as i glanced at Ai, hoping that as someone who knew that i was mentally older would understand that i wasn't just being stubborn but really hated it. But i was disappointed to see a small smile on her face instead. Ai knelt down and shrugged. "Vio-chan, i didn't want to be an idol at first either ya know, but look at me now. Being an idol is so much fun! I enjoy it! Once you start I'm sure you'll love it as well!" Saitou nodded as well.

"Yeah, i remember how adamant you were about it. Even when you did begin just to test it out, I could just look at your face and tell you hated every second of it. Now though? Being an idol is who you are!" He laughed amused. It was irritating how they were talking over me like the decision was already made. Maybe he assumed that since i was Ai's child, i was probably the same. What happened to me being indipendent and making my own decisions?

I watched them talk among themselves and walked away from where I was sitting and turned towards my room, wanting to leave this conversation only to be blocked by the old man again. His face just looked amused as though me saying no wasn't really what i wanted.

"Think about it, Violet. You have a good head on your shoulders so I'm sure you'll survive in the industry. You'll have plenty of fans as well with your face. Your straightforward personality needs a little tweaking but I'm sure it'll all work out." As i heard him continuously speak, already making plans about my future as a singer, i grew irritated. I kicked his foot, causing him to yelp in pain. Gritting my teeth, i spoke with venom.

"No matter how many times you ask, my answer will remain no."

"What do you mean no!?" Ruby exclaimed, shocked. I jolted in surprise on hearing the girls voice. She had stayed quite ever since this topic came up so "It's such a good deal too! You could become famous! Maybe even an idol in the future!" She moved towards me and held a pissed gaze, furrowing her eyebrows and clenched her fists as though controlling herself from smacking me. "Don't you know how many people would die to get opportunities like this? How many people work hard everyday, just to never make the cut to actually step into the industry?" Her voice wobbled at first but gradually rose in anger. Was she talking about herself? She sounded quite personal. Ai moved towards Ruby and held her back, looking at me and frowning. Not understanding why i wasn't giving in yet.

"Why don't you want to do this?" Aqua questioned. A confused expression on his face. He was someone who might have understood me since he expressed the same displeasure towards acting. Aqua explained multiple times that he didn't want to be an actor. Although he accepted the offer from Gotanda-san in the end, it was only because he could get Ai into the movie as well. Though i suspect he actually liked acting.

I glanced at Ruby, anger clear on my face. "Maybe you should know that some people don't like being put out into the world like this. That some people are content just living a free, happy and safe life without having to mind what you say and do. i dont want to do this at all! If you want to do this so bad, do it! I don't care! Go sing that song and have your face plastered on the internet! Go practice your singing and perfecting your acting and dancing or whatever! I want none if it!" I yelled and walked away.

Maybe i should have held back from raising my voice. Maybe i should have been a bit more considerate towards everyone else. It's not like they know anything about me and how I've lived all this while. Their behaviour made sense based on what i assume they went through. Ruby was still someone much younger than me, but i snapped when she spoke as though i had it better. There was no possibile way puppy eyes and sad stories could ever convince me to step into the entertainment industry. Living a normal life without any burdens was my dream, and it still is. I want to live a life in the white part of society, the pure side that people would call, rose-tinted. Although the entertainment industry looks great to be in, i know very well it was anything but.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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