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The night when Miyako changed, was also the night I learnt Ruby's past name, and the fact that Aqua and Ruby knew eachother. Perhaps it was one-sided, I'm not sure. But they definitely knew eachother. Ruby's name was Serena. I know for sure that Aqua was a working adult in his past life, and that Ruby was a child. Maybe a teenager, or even just a childish adult. Assuming she was a child or teenager, what would be a place where they would know eachother. A school? A hospital? Online? There were too many options.

Was this really a coincidence? The fact that Ruby and Aqua knew eachother in their past.... Is there a possibility that I knew them too? But Serena is an unfamiliar name. I don't think I knew them, but I can't be sure.

It also seems like they didn't tell eachother who they were, but only the fact that they were reincarnated.

Well, that's a problem for another day. My current dilemma was totally different. Something that literally made me cry out in annoyance.

Wahhh~ nooo~

I cried, flapping my arms around and slapping Miyako off when she tried to calm me down.

"What happened all of a sudden, Vio-chan? Your usually so calm and quiet...." Miyako said with concern. She had always taken special care of me so she knew what irritated me and what didn't. Miyako realised that, while i didn't really speak yet, i definitely understood some of their words and acted in accordance to it. She claimed that I was a smart baby too. Which was why she was so confused on why I had suddenly started crying.

"What happened?" Aqua asked as he approached me.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps she doesn't want to go to the concert?" Miyako said. She lifted me up and cradled me. Swaying slowing in hopes of calming me down and maybe putting me to sleep. Darn it! It was almost my nap time too! If this continues, i probably would still fall asleep.

"Aww man! Why is she crying now?! We were just about to leave too!" Ruby whined in irritation. This was actually my reason for behaving so childishly too. It was because of a concert. Apparently Ruby and Aqua were worried about Ai and wanted to see her concert out of concern. Something I know is a lie.

Aqua approached me and patted my head and said, "It's okay Violet. It's just a concert! Nothing bad is going to happen. If you want, you can take a nap and we'll be back before you know it!" I know it was his way of cheering me up. I think he noticed that I didn't really like watching any of Ai's performance videos. It wasn't that I hated them. I actually thought that they were pretty talented. It's just that it wasn't my style at all. Their voices, the way they acted and even their music just wasn't the type i liked. But Aqua was wrong about one thing, it was my reason for crying.

I wasn't bawling my eyes out and throwing a tantrum because I didn't like B-Komachi. It was because this was an actual concert! We were still babies! What If our eardrums burst because of the loud noise!?

"I'm not going! I don't want my eardrums to explode!" I said. Unfortunately, unlike the other two, i didn't speak at all as of yet excluding some ocational babbles, so my vocal chords weren't used so i probably said " 'm nug gonii! Donwanma eahduta eplo!" Instead of the intended words. It was definitely baby babble.

In the end, we still went. I was asleep the whole while and apparently, fearing that i would wake up in between the show, some earmuffs were placed on me. This was why I slept through the entire show. Infact, the only reason I know for sure that we actually went to the concert was because of the viral video of Aqua and Ruby doing the cheer dance. It was very weird to see babies making such movements but i also found it quite adorable. Thankfully, although my stroller was definitely in the video, my face wasn't on since i was just sleeping and wasn't being interesting. I really am glad i wasn't posted on the internet like Aqua and Ruby were.


It was our third birthday that day. Ai had asked us a while back about what we wanted as a gift. Ruby and Aqua had asked for some merch, which she happily provided since they were easy to get. i had gotten a pair of glasses. They were non priscription ones that were too big for a child. Ai and Miyako as asked many times if I'd wanted ones in a similar design, but smaller to fit my face, but I'd refused. Because of course i did. If it wasn't non prescribed, big glasses that- quite frankly looks ridiculous on anyone. It wouldn't be the same. I suppose everyone got extremely worried when I started crying silently at the sight of them. Seeing how my hands trembled as i picked it up and put them on. They were very big in me, so much so that you t wouldn't even sit correctly. I let out a wet giggle, ignoring all the concern that was shown around the room as i lost myself within my mind.

I suppose that at least this way, i would never forget you.

I had held onto those pair of glasses as though they were precious gold. Sometimes it did feel that way. With what the shocking discovery I'd made awhile back, these glasses were the only physical immitation and proof that my past really did happen and that it wasn't all just a dream. I desperately needed it after all.

It wasn't an easy thing, finding no traces of my past sure hit me hard.

I'd often noticed how Aqua and Ruby used their Mobiles often. It was strange that Ai had given kids this young their own phones. I had mine too, but i was afraid. Even if it was probably considered an accident, my death would have been in the internet. I didn't want to see any of it. But as time passed, my curiosity overtook me. Even with my death, i wanted to see how the others where living. Were they happy? Were they safe?

But what i found shocked me. There was no black organisation, there was no hakase, there was no Kudou family, there was no teitan school, there was no detective boys and there was no Beika. It just didn't exist. No matter how much i searched, i couldn't find any link to my past being true. It was almost as though everything had happened, only within my memories.

I'd locked myself in my room and didn't come out at all. I barely ate and was much more silent than ever. I wanted to shut the world out. To refuse all i had found. I was.....scared. i was scared to be all alone in this unfamiliar world. Scared of the unknown. Surprisingly, it had been Ai who had succeeded in getting a reaction out of me. She asked me what I wanted as a gift for my birthday. It was a very great opportunity for me. I wanted some remembrance of my past, hence why I asked for glasses. It was something that will remind me of the things i went through, and the people who saved me. Who gave me hope and a new life. The people who stuck by my side, and smiled at me dispite knowing how many sins I've committed.

The glasses were only the beginning of many.

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