Chapter 32 - Happy Times

Start from the beginning

I really was grateful. This was a huge risk for her, to leave everything she knew in California to move here for my career.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" she said into my chest.

"Unpacking, mostly, and Kenny said he might come over to meet everyone."

"For dinner?"

"Yeah, the new chef should arrive before lunch tomorrow."

My wife laughed, "If my mom will even let her touch the kitchen..."

Just then her phone rang. She groaned when she looked at it.

"It's Jake," she answered the call. "Hi, Jake... Yeah, it was fine... We had a very long day... They're asleep, it's almost 11 at night here...Tomorrow, I promise... Goodnight."

"You can't still be mad at him, babe." I mumbled.

"I'm not... I'm just tired."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure."

Angela squinted her eyes at me before shutting off the lights.

"Okay, we need to sleep. Goodnight, Mike. Love you." she kissed my cheek and turned to her side of the bed.

"Angela, come on," I wrapped an arm around her. "We moved his kids halfway across the world. He has the right to call."

"Our kids, Michael. We've been there for them for the last five years."

"Again, not his fault... At least try talking to him. He really is trying, you should try too. Please, for the sake of Lily and Eric."

My wife looked at me, "Okay. I'll call him after everything settles down here."

"Good..." I kissed her.

"Mommy!" Jared's voice was suddenly heard from down the hall, followed by his whines.

I let Angela go. "Daddy's coming, bubba!"

"No, mommy!"

"Damn it," she groaned. "Just bring him here... I'm so tired."

My son was climbing out of his bed when I entered the twins' room. They were both so big now, being a little over 3.

It really amazed me; to think about how fast time flies, and all we've been through since they were born.

"Let's go to mommy, bubba." I offered my hand which he took gladly.

Before we left, I made sure Rose was sleeping, then headed back to our bedroom. Angela had already fallen asleep, making Jared whine again.

"Come on, Jared. Daddy's tired too."

He struggled to get up on the bed, so I gave him a little push.

My son cuddled close to me, and we both started drifting off when Rose called for me, too.

This is gonna be a long night.


20th of April, 2009
Michael is 50, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

Angela: I watched Michael as his foot tapped gently to the rhythm of 'Human Nature'.

The O2 was pretty empty except for the stage and everything surrounding it. The sheer size of it all still blew me away.

My husband was standing with Kenny on stage. They were only supposed to be doing a soundcheck today, but Michael was clearly too excited for all of this.

"Sounds great," he said, giving the stage crew a thumbs up. "It really does, maybe just slow it down a little bit..."

"He's something else, huh?" Adam smiled at me.

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