Character Profiles

645 17 2

Captain America

Born: July 4th, 1918

Supposed death: February 17th, 1945

Found: June 14th, 2011

EXTREME THREAT: Captain America's previous relationship with the assets poses a great threat to the entire operation. If either asset comes in contact with Captain extreme risk of memory triggers and deprogramming may occur. Memories related to Captain America are extremely fragile and prone to resurfacing, memory triggers much easier than others.

 Memories related to Captain America are extremely fragile and prone to resurfacing, memory triggers much easier than others

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The Winter Soldier

Created: April 17th, 1962

Kill Count: 30

Trigger words:  жаждущий







                             возвращение домой


                            грузовой вагон

WARNINGS!: When the Winter Soldier and The Reaper are in contact with eachother for long periods of time their memories are triggered and brainwashing begins to weaken. The Reaper has been programmed to attack if the Winter Soldier is injured. Keep apart when brainwashing or carrying out punishments. Programming is weak around July 4th, November 30th, March 10th, and August 5th, keep in cryofreeze if possible.

 Programming is weak around July 4th, November 30th, March 10th, and August 5th, keep in cryofreeze if possible

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The Reaper

Created: December 3rd, 1961

Kill Count: 63

Trigger Words: Хирает










WARNINGS!: The asset needs to be frequently wiped  and reprogrammed. Prolonged periods outside of cryofreeze weakens programming. Prolonged periods of time with the other asset triggers flashbacks and resistenance. Asset continues to refuse orders to attack other asset during training. If asset becomes violent threaten the other asset and it will comply. Keep assets apart when mind wiping or punishing. Programming weak in March 10th, July 4th, and August 5th, keep in cryofreeze if possible.

 Programming weak in March 10th, July 4th, and August 5th, keep in cryofreeze if possible

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