Chapter 9 - Confused

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November 15th, 2012

Bucky's POV

For the first week of Madison being unconscious Steve and I never left her side. But unfortunately, we still need to take down Hydra which is currently trying to get its two favorite assets back. Steve and I have become so busy that we only stay with Madison during meals and when we need to sleep. All except for today, for some reason today has been less busy so Tony kicked me and Steve out telling us to go watch Madison.

We have been sitting in silence when all of a sudden Bruce walked in. "Hello Bruce," Steve greeted rather glumly. He's beginning to lose hope that Madison will ever wake up.

"Hello Steve, Bucky. Madison has healed enough that I think I have something that can wake her up."

" Can you really do that?" I asked. This sounds to go to be true.

"I don't want to get your hopes up, there is a chance that this won't work. Several years ago I developed a drug that should help her wake up."

" That's great news Bruce," Steve said immediately lighting up. I can't let my hopes get too high then if it doesn't work I won't be too disappointed.

" Of course Steve. Now I would suggest you two go shower while I work," Bruce ordered as he shooed us out of the room.

"Are you telling us we smell?" I joked as he pushed us out of the room. Bruce didn't say anything which is an answer enough as he shoved us out and closed the door.

" See you in a minute," Steve smiled before walking away to his room. Almost immediately he turned back into the hopeful man who thinks everything is going to be fine and we'll be one big happy family again.

I took a nice long shower before I changed into my usual dark jeans and a black t-shirt, I don't like wearing any other colors, I always wore black while I was with Hydra and I guess not all habits can disappear. I was drying my hair when an alarm suddenly went off scaring me half to death.

"J.A.R.V.I.S what is the alarm for?" I called out to the AI who apparently is always watching us, which I must say is creepy as hell.

"It seems Colonel Hayes has woken up and is missing," the AI reported and I immediately froze letting the towel I was holding fall to the ground as panic settled in.

"Missing, how is she missing?" I asked the AI, Hydra can't have found her already.

"It seems not all of my cameras were repaired after the Hydra attack," the AI responded. Of course they weren't, when is life ever easy.

I abadoned my previous mission of drying my hair and ran out of my room almost running into Steve. "Madison is missing!" He exclaimed clearly panicking.

" Calm down, she is still in the building. J.A.R.V.I.S. would've told us otherwise," I told him, trying to convince myself just as much as him that she wasn't taken.

"We should split up."  I immediately agreed so we went on our separate ways in hopes of finding Madison before she got hurt or worse. I began looking in every single room hoping she was just hiding somewhere. Though this tower is massive and I'm already lost but I will still look everywhere. I was peaking my head into one of the many empty bedrooms when I heard sniffling coming from somewhere in the room.

"Madison you in here?" I called out quietly. She didn't answer but I heard more sniffling so I walked further into the room.

As soon as I walked into the room, I saw Madison curled in a corner with tears streaming down her face. "J.A.R.V.I.S. please alert the team that I found Madison and update Captain Rogers of our location," I whispered not wanting to startle Madison.

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