Chapter 25 - Welcome to Seattle

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Madison's POV

It was probably not a good thing that I got a little tipsy in the limo. But it was vacation so I didn't really care. The only sad thing was Steve and Bucky were on the other side of the limo looking a little squished.

But all those worries went away when Umbrella came on. Peter introduced me to Rihanna not that long ago. Don't ask me why but he had a whole choreography for Umbrella.

Everyone with the exception of the two super-soldiers started screaming the lyrics. But when I glanced over at them they were laughing and having fun which I'm glad.

Some time later we arrived at Tony's massive mansion. Everything in this area was ridiculously nice and I felt a little out of place.

We all managed to stumble out of the limo mostly without falling, except Thor who face planted. But the God was perfectly fine since he jumped right up yelling he was ok.

I nearly fell out of the limo since I didn't have my crutches but Steve swiftly caught me and Bucky handed me my crutches.

"Alright we should go to sleep so we can get up bright and early," Tony yelled clearly too drunk to realize he was yelling. "We don't have enough rooms for everyone to have their own so! Peter and Thor will share, Bruce and I, Wanda and Natasha, Rhodey and Sam, Vision and Clint, Bucky, Madison and Steve."

I turned to the two super-soldiers with a huge smile, "Yay! I get to spend the next week with my two favorite grandpas." I ran or I supposed crutched before I threw myself at Steve but I missed and almost fell but he caught me.

"My God how much did you have to drink?" He mumbled as he picked me up so I wrapped my legs around him.

"Too much, far too much," I admitted. Drunk me kept no lies.

We walked into the mansion and I looked around amazed at the fancy material. "Tony needs to plan my birthday, I expect a new car," I announced loudly.

"You don't need a car Madison. And don't ask Tony that because he will definitely get you one," I warned.

I pouted a little as we walked through the mansion, but fairly soon I completely forgot about why I was mad.

I was looking at Steve as we walked when I decided to squish his face in my hands, "You are the cutest person I have ever met."

"I am not cute," Steve argued.

"Adorable," I insisted as I bopped him on the nose.

"What about Bucky is he not cute?" Steve questioned.

"Ooh yes Bucky is cute too!" I exclaimed not mentioning I forgot he was there. "You are both my squishy super soldiers."

"We are not squishy," Bucky argued.

I squished Steve's face before looking at Bucky, "See squishy."

At this point Steve kicked open a door with his foot and took me into what I assumed was a bedroom. I was gently set on a very squishy bed before Steve disappeared.

He was quickly replaced by Bucky who was holding a neatly stacked pile of clothes. "What is that for?" I asked clearly my drunk brain had missed something.

"Its time for bed and you can't sleep in jeans and a T-shirt."

"What? No I don't want to go to bed. We just got here," I argued trying to stand up but I was too drunk and just fell back on the bed.

"Yeah no, it's time for bed," Bucky began to tug my pants off while I blatantly refused to help. If he was forcing me to go to bed I would not help and make it as hard as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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