Chapter 22 - Sharon

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Madison's POV

I was back to my room alone, or more of hobbling painfully to my room. I can still barely walk and it freaking hurts.

Every step is excruciating as pain shoots through my legs and up my spin. But I can't take pain killers because my metabolism is too fast and I need to learn to walk again so pain it is for now.

I wasn't paying attention and almost ran into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry," I said as I looked up to see Sharon.

"Oh that's quite alright," she smiled at me but it wasn't a kind smile, it was an evil one. "Madison right?"

"Yeah, and your Sharon," I shook off her creepy smile and gave her a genuine one.

Immediately her smile fell and was replaced with a glare. "So your the one who has all of the Avengers including MY super soldiers."

The anger in her voice completely caught me off guard. "I don't know what you mean, I don't have anyone wrapped around my finger," I defended.

"You do not deserve their friendship and you certainly don't deserve Steve and James," she growled as she stepped closer to me but I stepped back.

"Your right I don't deserve them. I don't deserve the protection, or the love, or the friendship. But I do know one thing, you definitely don't deserve them," my statement caught her off guard but not for long.

The next thing I know is Sharon grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, I let out a yelp as pain skyrocketed up my spine and it felt like my legs were on fire.

Sharon got her face really close to mine as she spoke lowly. "Stay away from them. Steve and James are mine and I won't let a little Hydra slut steal them from me. I worked hard to get close to them and I won't let a bitch ruin that for me."

I couldn't breathe, everything hurt as she pressed me against the wall. I couldn't see straight I could barely make out two sets of footsteps coming down the hall over the ringing in my ears.

"Sharon what the fuck do you think you are doing?" I heard someone yell. Oh that's Steve. That's my Steve. Wait no, that's Sharon's Steve, not my Steve.

Suddenly I was released but my legs and spine hurt and I couldn't hold up my body weight, I felt myself falling up someone caught me. I could fell a metal arm and non-metal arm. Bucky.

The ringing in my ears stopped and the black spots in my vision were slowly disappearing. Steve was yelling, he was mad. Oh, is he mad at me.

"Don't make me ask again. What the fuck were you doing?" Steve never yelled. Why is Steve yelling?

"I was just seeing if she remembered anything about what happened or remembered any names from HYDRA," That's not true, she didn't ask me that.

"You know damn well that is not what you were asking. And even if it was you never shove someone violently against a wall, especially when they are fucking injured." Wait someone was shoved against a wall. Oh...pause a moment that was me. I forgot. Stupid concussion.

"We warned you Sharon. Make one wrong move and we will make your life a living hell," Now Bucky was talking and I remembered he was holding me up.

Wait, why am I touching Bucky, Bucky belongs to Sharon? "Get out of here," Steve growled. I thought he was too talking to me so I moved to go but Bucky's firm grip held me in place and I watched confused as Sharon fled down the hall.

Once Sharon was gone Steve turned to me and his face softened to a soft smile as he walked towards me. I wanted to bask in his smile but then I remembered he wasn't mine, neither was Bucky.

Afraid of Sharon I wrenched myself out of Bucky's arms and backed away accidentally slamming against the wall and I let out a small yelp of pain.

"I'm... I'm not supposed to touch you," I stammered. I don't want Sharon to be mad at Steve and Bucky.

"Why can't you touch us, doll?" Bucky asked me calmly.

"Sh... Sharon said. Sharon said, that you were her's and I need to stay away from you. I...I don't want to break you up."

"Madison we were never Sharon's. We've never even been on a date," Steve explained and I felt my brain short circuit.

"But...but she said..." I inwardly cursed my stammering I sounded like a baby.

"She lied. She was never ours. We've never loved or cared about her. There is only one girl I have ever loved and she is standing in front of me," I stiffened slightly at Bucky's confession. No one has said I love you to me in 70 years.

"I don't deserve that," I stated quietly.

"Don't deserve what?" Steve asked me.

"Love. I don't deserve love. Maybe I did 70 years ago when I was a war hero. But I am a monster completely, utterly undeserving of anyone's love. Especially you two," I couldn't look either man in the eyes.

I will never deserve love again. A murderer doesn't deserve love. "Oh doll," I heard Bucky whisper before I felt arms surround me.

Shortly after I felt another pair of arms blanket me in warmth and I cried. "You deserve love Madison. We love you more than anything. You are not a monster. What HYDRA forced you to do is not your fault and it wasn't you."

"But I still did it," I murmured.

"No you didn't Madison," this time it was Bucky speaking. "Just as I'm not at fault for the people the Winter Soldier killed you aren't at fault either. We may feel guilty, we may feel like it's our fault. But it never was, it's always been Hydra, it's their hands that have been tainted not ours."

I didn't say anything else. I didn't know how to explain that it was still my fault. Innocent people who's lives I took. I will never blame Bucky for his time as the Winter Soldier.

But I can't forgive myself and I probably never will.

I don't know how long we stood in that hallway in each other's arms. But it was long enough that my tears ran dry and were replaced by sniffles.

At some point Bucky and Steve pulled away and I was quietly led into my room, which was the closest out of the three.

I was already in my pajamas though I don't remember changing into them. But I had to wait a few minutes for Steve and Bucky to change out of their uniforms.

By the time they returned I was already mostly asleep. But as Steve and Bucky climbed into the bed on either side of me sandwiching me between them, I felt a pang of guilt.

How many people are laying in bed right now still mourning the loss of their loved one that I brutally murdered? How many families were broken because of me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Bucky pulled me close and I lay my head on his chest. "We love you Madison and nothing will change that."

For a moment I remembered the girl I used to be. The girl who would do anything for love. The girl who fell off a train for her loves. The brave girl who fought in a war, the girl who escaped her abuse.

I fell asleep for the first time thinking of memories of before HYDRA and it was peaceful having one moment not filled with pain.

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