Chapter 4 - The First Iron Man

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September 4th, 2009

Tony's POV

I never imagined meeting my childhood hero. Unlike Captain America who I've always resented because my father would tell me to be more like him, I've always looked up to Colonel Hayes. She didn't take anyone's shit and my dad used to ramble that I was too much like his deceased best friend. But the girl before me is nothing like the hero I've grown up idolizing. She doesn't even remember her own name and is being forced to do things that she would never have done back in the day.

I vowed that I would get her out of here and I would take down Hydra in the process. While we worked I never realized how smart Madison was, she was smarter than I am, though I will never admit that out loud. For someone that doesn't remember anything from her past life, she somehow retained all of her previous knowledge. As we worked I got closer and closer to Madison and I would tell her stories about her life, even if she couldn't remember. I can see now why my dad adored Madison so much, she is sweet and incredibly smart. For an assassin she is oddly gentle and extremely careful with her movements like she's afraid she'll hurt someone if she moves too fast.

"How many languages do you speak?" I asked Yinsen and Madison.

"A lot, but apparently, not enough for this place. They speak Arabic, Urdu, Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Farsi, Russian," Yinsen answered.

"Damn I thought I spoke a lot of languages," Madison mumbled and I couldn't help but laugh. I still can't believe she speaks 16 languages, that's 12 more than I can speak.

"Who are these people?" I asked to no one in general.

"They are your loyal customers, sir." Yinsen answered.

"They call themselves the Ten Rings. They work alongside Hydra behind the scenes," Madison explained further.

"You know I might be more productive if you include me in the planning process," Yinsen tried.

"Uh-huh," I mumbled as I took apart a rocket. I told Madison my plan to build a massive metal suit powered by a miniature arc reactor to get us out of here. She gave me lots of input and helped me improve the design.

Madison was moving the smelling pot over to the mold. " Careful. Careful. We've only got one shot at this," I warned.

"Relax. I have steady hands. Do I need to remind you what my job is Stark?" Madison joked. She has a point. A sniper and assassin would have to pretty steady hands in order to keep their job.

After many excruciating hours we finally completed the arc reactor. "That doesn't look like a Jericho missile," Yinsen whispered in my ear.

"That's because it's a miniaturized arc reactor. Shadow over there was actually the one who invented it," I explained gesturing to Madison who was back at her post observing us.

She only helped if I told her too, even with all her time spent here she still only did what she was told. "I did? really?" Madison spoke up quietly barely above a whisper like she's afraid someone will hear and punish her.

"I got a big one powering my factory at home. It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart," I explained. I noticed Madison was quietly stalking forward to get a closer look. Normally I would feel creeped out by someone stalking my in the shadows but her presence is oddly calming.

"But what could it generate?" Yinsen asked.

"If my math is right, and it always is, three gigajoules per second," I explained.

"That could run your heart for 50 life times," Yinsen whispered.

"Yeah. Or something big for 15 minutes." I led Yinsen over to my work table, and I noticed Madison back at her post. Damn that girl is fast. I have my suspicions that she's enhanced but I won't know until I take her to my lab at home.

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