Chapter 19 - Nightmares

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Bucky's POV

"What do we know about that Hydra base?" Fury decided to come in when he heard of what was happening and of course, he chose now to have a meeting.

"That was one of the largest Hydra bases we've seen. We have reason to believe that was their center of operations and they moved Madison there when they had her in custody," Tony explained as he pulled up blueprints of the base.

"Speaking of Madison. She needs to be put in a cell so we can determine if she is a danger to society before," when Fury said that everyone looked at him completely shocked and angry.

"Excuse me?" I can't believe he said that so I needed to clarify. "Why would we put her in a cell?"

"She was a Hydra assassin, she may have broken out of the brainwashing before she was taken. But she was held captive by Hydra for two months, she could be brainwashed again. I cannot put people at risk because you think she is some broken puppy who needs some love."

I this point I wanted to murder Fury, I almost did it once this time I would make sure to succeed. Before I could say anything Natasha beat me to the bunch. "You've gone too far Nick," everyone looked at Natasha surprised at her outburst. "Madison is not a wounded puppy. She is a woman who has been through more than any of us can imagine. She is a part of our family and as of right now poses no risk to any of us. The only person in any danger right now is you."

Nick looked genuinely scared but he shook it off. "I don't care what any of you think. That woman is dangerous and needs to be locked up."

"She is not dangerous Fury," Steve argued, "In fact, I will prove it to you. J.A.R.V.I.S. pull up live security of Madison please."

A moment later the video surveillance of Madison's room. She and Peter were intensely watching Star Wars while sharing a bag of Cheetos, that is until Peter said something and Madison started laughing.

We couldn't hear what was happening but the visual was enough. "Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S. that's enough," Tony dismissed and the video disappeared before he turned to Fury with a triumphant grin on his face. "What monster watches Star Wars with a literal teenager while eating Cheetos?"

"I don't know what that girl has done to you,  but you have all been blinded by the obvious. That woman is dangerous and needs to be detained."

"So what," Steve retorted. "So is everyone else in this room. If you want to take Madison away you will have to go through all of us."

Fury glanced around the room, everyone was staring at him and he was obviously intimidated. "Fine, but do not leave her alone."

By the time we left the meeting, it was about five in the morning and I was exhausted. "Do you think Madison is asleep?" Steve questioned as we trudged out of the elevator and towards our apartment.

"I hope so. I really hope she didn't stay up waiting for us," I sighed as we stopped in front of her door and I peeked inside.

Madison and Peter had both passed out on the floor in the fort they made with pillows and blankets and they were surrounded by empty soda cans, what was left of their snacks, and their dinner of McDonald's.

Seeing as they were both peacefully sleeping I turned off the t.v. that they left on and walked out of the room to where Steve was waiting. "Yeah, Peter and Madison passed out on the floor," I explained amused and Steve gave me a tired smile.

"It's nice to see her have fun," Steve mumbled as he began to fall asleep standing up.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," I threw my arm around Steve's shoulder as I led him across the hall to his room.

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