Chapter 21 - The Mission Part 2

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Bucky's POV

It was finally time to infiltrate the base. After two excruciatingly long and boring two days of watching the base it was finally time to attack.

Steve, Sam, and I would be attacking the West entrance. Tony, Rhodey, and Thor would be the East gate. Wanda, Natasha, and Vision were the North gate. Clint and Pietro would be the South entrance.

Steve was right, I can now feel something about this mission was off. The base didn't have a lot of guards, wasn't heavily fortified, and seemed to be poorly equipped for supposedly housing a massive weapon.

But that might just be the assassin in me over assessing the situation so I ignored the instinct and focused.

Steve, Sam, and I were standing at the tree line waiting for the guard change. The sun was setting so the shadows hid us well.

As soon as the guards at the gate disappeared we moved. Sam took to the skies while Steve and I charged towards the gate.

I heard an explosion in the distance meaning one of the other teams had entered the base. I quickly bolted over the gate before rolling upon impact with the ground on the other side.

I immediately shrank behind a building for cover and heard Steve join behind me. I spotted the only sniper for the entire base in his tower. I quickly aimed my rifle and took him out in one swift move.

Now that we were clear I motioned for Steve to follow me. The main was base was just a simple cement building and as I crept towards it I noticed they had simple locks on their doors.

I heard Sam land somewhere close behind me, but I was focused on the task in front of me. I quickly broke the lock and slowly opened the door as I swept the area with my rifle.

Seeing as it was clear I motioned for Steve to go first. Alarms began to blare through the base and red lights began to flash. But as we continued onward we came across little resistance only a few scarce guards that accidentally walked in our line of fire.

"Something is wrong. Our intel said this was a massive base. There is almost no one here, only a shadow crew," I whispered into the comms.

Suddenly I saw a shadow running away from us and I sped forward grabbing the unsuspecting man by his collar and shoving him against the wall.

"Where is the weapon?" I growled but the man just laughed.

"You think we would leave a powerful weapon in a bas like this?" the man laughed. "No, our weapon is currently completely vulnerable at the Avenger's tower."

I immediately paled in realization. "The Reaper was HYDRA's greatest weapon we will never let it go," the man spat.

I was beyond pissed as I slammed the man against the wall and leaned in dangerously close. "Let me say one thing before I kill you. Madison is not a weapon, she is not an asset. And she has NEVER belonged to HYDRA and she NEVER will."

"Are you so sure about that?" The man questioned but I was done. In one quick move I broke his neck and let his dead body drop to the ground.

"Steve we need to leave," I said turning around as fear enveloped my body.

"Why? We still haven't found the weapon."

"Because there was no weapon. HYDRA gave us false information they wanted to get us away from the compound," As I spoke I watched as Steve's stoic face fell and was replaced with fear.

"Avengers get back to the quinjet NOW!" Steve yelled into the comms as we began to sprint through the dim halls.

Steve's command was followed by a flurry of questions and confused statements. "Because, there was never a weapon. HYDRA is going to attack the tower."

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