CHAPTER 2: The start

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I still remember the day I met my dad.

I was only 6 at the time. And as the agreement said, I needed to live in the Mortal Realm now.

Nevertheless, I wasn't scared. Through all my life, the Gods had taught me how to fight and act like a mortal. I simply was sad to never see my family again.

I was already missing Athena, Artemis, Persephone, aunt Hemera, grandmother Nyx and, especially, my mother.

She also didn't want me to go, but she didn't have a choice.

And, of course, she wouldn't leave me in an orphanage. So, she called my father.

I can still remember my mother trying to explain the whole situation while my dad laughed sterically at her, in disbelieve.

In the end, she convinced him to come to a temple far away from society so they could talk, although I don't know how.


After some time, my mother and I went to the temple. It was my first time in the Mortal Realm, and I found it amazing!

All the colors, the animals and sounds were from another world to me!

My mother then put a mortal disguise, so my dad wouldn't burn if he saw her, and asked me to hide in the shadows.

Not only did I do that, but I decided to experiment one of my most recent inventions, an invisibility bracelet.

Not only did I do that, but I decided to experiment one of my most recent inventions, an invisibility bracelet

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And it worked perfectly! However, lets admit it... all of my inventions always work.

While I was testing it out, I heard footsteps coming to our direction. It was my dad.

"So, I came. How can you prove to me that you're a Goddess?", my father said.

She blank her eyes, becoming fully white, and casted a magic spell to a rock, smashing it into tiny pieces.

He's jaw dropped to the floor in complete surprise. I could feel my mother's desire to smirk. Nonetheless, she wanted to make herself superior to him.

"Do you believe me now?"

"Pretty much.", he said, still in shock. He probably wanted to make a joke but was to stunt and filled with too much fear to say it.

"Well then, do we have an agreement? Will you take care of her?", she said, maintaining a serious tone.

"Yeah! No problem!", he uttered in fear.

"Perfect. Then meet your daughter, Klymene.", she said that while making me a signal to appear.

Then, out of the shadows, and deactivating my bracelet, I showed myself. I was wearing a beautiful white dress, that was very similar to what the Gods normally wear.

 I was wearing a beautiful white dress, that was very similar to what the Gods normally wear

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(Something like this)

"Hi.", I muttered with a shy voice.

"Hi. Were you invisible a second ago?", he questioned, curiosity in his timber.

"Uhm... Yes... It's my bracelet. I invented it. When you push this button, it liberates millions of nanobots that cover my whole body and disguises me with my surroundings!"

"That's fantastic!", my dad stated. "You're 6, right?"

I nodded; a smile plastered on my face.

"How could a 6-year-old build something so advanced?"

"She got that from you.", my mother responded. "She is always inventing things like this in Hephaestus' forge."

"Well, you just did something that no one else could: you truly impressed me." He looked very proud of me, and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

Tony Stark, THE Tony Stark, was impressed of my work AND proud of me!

"So, Kly... Can I call you "Kly"?"

"Yes, you can.", I replied.

"Great! Would you like to come live with me in New York, Kly?"

"I would love to!", I excitedly said.

"All right then! Follow me."

After I said goodbye to my mother, we parted to NY.

There, waiting for us, was Ms. Pepper Potts, and, after my dad explained who I was and telling her all the story, she only had pity and love for me. Well, that was easy.


As the years went by, I've met the Avengers, and they became my new family, each of them having a different role (The second name is what their name on my contacts is):

· Tony – IronDad (He is very loving and, even though he knows about my powers, he is always worrying for me. He won't let me be an Avenger.)

· Pepper – Mom (She is very understanding and treats me like I am her biological daughter.)

· Nat – Russian Spy (She's like the big sister I never had. She is the only one that knows about the prophecy, because we tell each other our secrets and no one else.)

· Clint – Bullseye (He's my annoying older brother who always finds a way to tease me.)

· Steve – Popsicle (He is like an uncle to me. He is always telling me stories when he was in the WWII.)

· Thor – Thunder Boy (He is also an annoying older brother who is constantly asking me about Zeus. Such a fangirl.)

· Bruce – Green Apple (He is like an uncle. He always has a question for me about my powers.)

· Wanda – Witchy (Also like a big sister. I taught her more about magic than she did to me.)

· Vision – Robocop (Like a brother and uncle at the same time, but that isn't strange to me. After all, I lived with the Gods.)

· Sam – Pigeon (Also like an uncle. I always like to tease him.)

· Harley – Annoying Bug (My true big brother.)

· Happy – Mr. Smiles (Drives me anywhere without asking twice. Always there to comfort me.)

They all treat me as their equal, so much so that I even helped with the Sokovian Accords. I bet that, if it wasn't for me, there would probably be a Civil War between them or something. Glad that that never happened.

However, I was homeschooled by my dad, then I never made friends. Well, I made my own AI, Sophia, which isn't an acronym for anything, I simply like the name. But I never made real friends of my age.

That was until one day...


How I love a good cliffhanger.

What will happen?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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