CHAPTER 1: The prophecy

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AUGUST, 2000

Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft and sorcery, was having visions. The problem is... she didn't understand why.

Having visions was something she never had, neither she thought she could have. But the weirdest part was that those visions... were about a girl... a mortal, no, a demigoddess. A very powerful one.

Then, the once visions became more like memories. Memories from the future.

It was her child!

'But that can't be!' she thought. 'I never involved myself with any mortal! Or anyone! Why would I do that!?'

Then an image of that girl appeared again... she just saved the Universe...

'Well, that's a motive. But how will I do it?'

Finally, her questions were answered.

Later that day, Tony Stark was at a party in Athens when a gorgeous woman appeared. And we all know what happens when THE Tony Stark sees a 10/10 woman... he slept with her.

Little did he know it was Hecate disguised.



Alas, a baby was born. A beautiful girl. She was perfect. But incomplete.

Before her night with Tony, Hecate told the other Gods about the prophecy. At first, they were scared, but they knew it was necessary.

She also pointed out which of them gave a gift, and asked those to present the child the specific gifts she saw them giving in her visions.

Zeus, the King of the Gods, and the worst of them all, agreed, with the condition that she should leave the baby in the Mortal Realm.

But Nyx, goddess of the Night, also known as "the goddess everyone is afraid of" and Hecate's mother, said that, since the girl was going to be very powerful, she should live, at least, 6 years with the Gods, so they could teach her all the information they thought was helpful for her.

Zeus obeyed.


·      ZEUS – CURIOSITY (His hate for humanity is too much)

·      HERA – LOYALTY (She is actually nice, unless you're one of Zeus' bastards)

·      ARES – STRENGTH (He taught her how to fight with weapons) (Daddy issues alert)

·      ATHENA – INTELLIGENCE/SMARTNESS (She taught her how to hand-to-hand fight) (She still cannot forgive herself because of Medusa)

·      HEPHAESTUS – CREATIVITY (He let her build her inventions in his forge (she's a Stark after all)) (Trust issues alert)

·      AFRODITE – BEAUTY (She taught her how to be charismatic and beauty routines) (Nobody knows why she thought that was important)

·      ARTEMIS – PERSISTENCE/DURABILITY (She taught her how to fight with a bow and arrows) (She also gave her a magic bow that could shoot magic arrows that help her with aim) (Probably the only sane person)

·      APOLLO – MUSIC (He gave her singing lessons... for some reason)

·      DIONYSUS – FAST-REGENERATION (He is the drunkest person you will ever meet)

·      HERMES – SPEED (He can't spend more than 5 minutes without making a joke or pulling a prank)

·      POSEIDON – STRONG EMOTIONS (Anger issues alert)

·      DEMETER – FERTILITY (Total Mother-Hen)

·      PERSEPHONE – EMPATHY (The sweetest person EVER)

·      HADES – TRUST (He is not the creep people think he is)

·      EROS – LOVE (He helped her controlling her emotions) (And people still think he's a baby)

·      NYX AND EREBUS – NIGHT AND DARKNESS (Twins, yet, married)


·      HECATEMAGIC  (She taught her every kind of magic in Existence)



One day, Tony received a call. It was Hecate and told him everything. At first, he didn't believe her, but she told him that he should go to Athens and see for himself. And, since he did not have anything else to do, he agreed.

"So, I came. How can you prove me that you're a Goddess?", Tony said.

Suddenly, when she blank her eyes, they became fully white, and she casted a magic spell to a rock, smashing it to bits.

Tony's jaw dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Do you believe me now?"

"Pretty much", he said, still in shock.

"Well then, do we have an agreement? Will you take care of her?", she said, maintaining a serious tone.

"Yeah! No problem!", he uttered in fear.

"Perfect. Then meet your daughter, Klymene."

Out of the shadows appeared a little girl. Klymene, daughter of Hecate and, now, officially, of Tony Stark.


I had so much fun writing this chapter.

I hope you also liked it.

Don't forget to give your opinion in the comments.

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