Chapter 11

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2 weeks later

Today was the day. The day you'll finally be free of that cast around your arm. You'll finally be back out on the field and most importantly, you'll be back on the hunt for Hassan and his son. You are currently in the infirmary getting your cast removed. The nurse is now halfway done with removing the cast. With each inch she cuts the more free your arm feels. You'll finally be able to hold a big gun again and finally get back into sparing and even go back into the field of action.

The moment the cast was finally off you felt a sense of freedom, as if chains had been removed from your arm. You clutch your arm and flexed the muscles in your arm and give it a little motion while smirking."yes, finally I'm free from that cast" you mumbled to yourself.

You exit the infirmary and saw Price waiting for you," so Orca" he said with a smile, "how do you feel that you all healed up?" You gave Price a smirk and said."I feel great, I can finally get back out there and hunt" Price chuckles." in that case, you'll love to hear this, come" Price ushers you to follow him. You followed him into the meeting room and saw that everyone was there. You sat down between Gaz and Graves, Price sat in the chair at the front.

"Alright team" Price started."we got intel that Hassan is being held in a safe house here just outside of Las Alma's, we'll raid the safe house tomorrow and we will capture Hassan, dead or alive. But it won't be easy, we also have intel that the Cartel is involved with guarding Hassan and his son Tagiya" Upon hearing Tagiya's name you felt an impulse boil in your chest.

"Orca listen up, this is your first mission with task force 141, here failure is not an option, do you copy?" "Yes sir!" You reply."Good" Price continues with the meeting.

The meeting is now finished, everyone leaves the room and returns to their barracks. The mission is tomorrow early in the morning. It is said that Hassan and his son will be boarding a ship that'll be heading to somewhere where they'll never be found.

You, on the other hand, want to stop it and kill Tagiya before he can slip away from the raider. You have waited far too long for this, you are itching to give Tagiya the surprise and karma he deserves. You just want his blood on your hand and his head on a pike.

You enter your barrack and packed for the mission. You make sure to bring extra mags just in case that cold-hearted prick 'Ghost' decides to snatch a couple of your mags like the last time. You also decided that bringing an extra pair of knives might also help out. You packet stun grenades, regular grenades, and a Molotov cocktail that Soap gave you. Speaking of Soap, he was kind enough to give you recipes for explosives which would come in handy.

After packing all of your things you decided to take a shower because your right arm smells after being in a cast for so long. You grab your towel and picked some clothes that you can sleep in for tonight. You undress yourself and hopped into the shower when the water was warm enough. It felt relieving the feeling of warm water on your right arm again.

You let the water flow through your hair and wash away any dirt that was in it along with all of your worries for tomorrow.

After 12 minutes you got out of the shower. You put on some comfy clothes and walked out of the bathroom. The moment you walked out of the bathroom you saw someone going through your bag."OI! What the fuck are doing going through my bag!" You yell out. The person jumps from fright and looks up at you and to your surprise it was Ghost.

"What the hell are you doing Lieutenant?" You asked annoyed. Ghost scoffed as if you had done something wrong." don't scare me like that Corporal" he gruff. You glare back and cross your arms," then don't go through my stuff" you say in return." anyway why are you going through my stuff?"

"Just making sure you have the right gear with you" Ghost replies. You raised an eyebrow, "this isn't one of your tricks, isn't it? Because last time, you stole my mags" Ghost glares directly into your eyes, and you give him a Kubrick stare in return. She storms towards you but this time you stood your ground and didn't move back. He noticed that his attempt at intimidating you has failed but he wasn't going to give up yet." what made you think I was stealing your mags again?" He said in a dark low tone. You can tell he's still trying to intimidate you but you just weren't having it.

"Listen here Ghost" you started."I've waited a month to finally get back at that bastard, and I will not let you blow my only chance at catching him by surprise and sending his ass to hell!" Ghost was slightly taken back at your outburst and for the first time in a while, he felt amused. He let out a scoff and turns to leave, but not before tossing you something. You quickly catch them and saw that they were your stolen mags."you'll be needing those" Ghost said before leaving the room.

You glanced down at your mags before putting on a smug smirk and putting your mags with your other gear jumped into bed and fall asleep while dreaming about making your intrusive thoughts a reality on Tagiya while his father watches.

To be continued

The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dark Fanfic) (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora