Chapter 7

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You sat down on the ground while curled up in a ball. Your body shakes in fear and your chest felt like it was about to burst. You were all alone, and despite your training as a special force officer, you were no match for what you were facing. Now that all of your comrades are gone, you're doomed to succumb to the forces of the enemy.

"(Y/N)" you heard someone call out. You looked up from your knees and there stood Turner. Your eye lit up in disbelief, you saw him die but there he is."t-Turner?" You called out, " that you?" You stood up and reached out to him."Corporal
(L/N)" Turner started, "You gotta wake up, keep fighting for us" You were taken aback by his words.

Just then, all of your comrades appear and stood right next to Turner, even the commanding officers were there as well." you gotta keep going (L/N), or our deaths will all be in vain" Zaneson said, "please (L/N)! Go and avenge our deaths, take out Tagiya and live on!!"

Just then, a fire appears and engulfs your comrades. You screamed out for them but the next thing you knew, you were screaming wide away on a hospital bed. "Bloody hell your screams do hurt my ears!" A man with a British accent yells out at you. You turn to see a man with a short brown 1800s general beard and wearing a bucket hat sitting on a chair next to you. "What the... who are you?" You spoke out between heavy breaths.

"Oh, glad to see you finally awake Corporal" the man spoke with relief." you were out for 2 days straight, gotta say it's a miracle you're still alive after all you've been through" You put on a stern expression, it wasn't the answer you were looking for. Then you noticed that you were seeing from one eye. You brought your hand to your left eye but it began hurting like hell when you made contact with it, you then look down and saw your right arm was in a cast and resting on a sling.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you who I am" the man apologized, "My name is Price, Captain Price that is, now Corporal, do you remember what happened to your base?" Then it hit you. The attack and Tagiya's reveal."no wait, I remember now!!" You spoke in realization. With a swift, you threw the covers off of you and attempted to get up.

"I need to let my higher-ups know about the attack and there was an imposter amongst the SASR-" Your sentence was cut short when your left leg collapsed and you fell onto the floor. Luckily you caught yourself with your left arm which was still functional. You attempted to stand but you couldn't move your left leg without feeling intense pain in your hip and upper thigh.

"Don't rush yourself mate" Price kneels and swung your arm over his shoulder and he lifts you and helps you back onto the bed." now you said there was an imposter amongst your group am I correct?" He asked. You nod, "yes, his name is Tagiya Zyani" you explained frantically," he went by Elija Bush and he infiltrated the SASR by joining the Australian Army and managed to graduate in the SASR and he was sent to our base in Mexico and he was the one who planted the explosives inside the base and now the whole base is destroyed because of that bastard!" Your frantic cries quickly turned to raged-filled grunts. Price seems to notice your anger and sighs.

"By the looks of it, you're the only survivor of the attack" Price stated, hearing that statement made you feel guilty that you were the only one left alive. Turner, Zaneson, Tucker, White, Ragna, Handerson, O, Neil, Commander Jones, Lieutenant Danwood's. All of them but you are dead.

"Anyway Corporal, don't get your hopes down" Price started. "Because as of today, you are now a member of task force 141" You looked at him with confusion."uh, no offence but, what's task force 141?" You said that you had no idea what this 141 is.

"So she's never heard of us then Price" a gruff voice with a thick British accent was heard at the door. You looked over to see a tall man wearing a skull mask leaning on the door frame. His presence and aura made you feel intimidated by him. The skull man then began to stride towards your bed before Price stood in front of him and told him to stay where he was.

"What, I just wanna greet the Corporal," the skull man said."not now Ghost, she's in no condition for one of your games," Price said. This Ghost guy was taller than Price and you call tell Ghost was bulky and aggressive which made you scared of him. Ever since your training, you feared no man but after what has happened, it's like you are now more vulnerable to everything around you.

"I've heard everything about who this woman is" Ghost spoke, "how she earned the title the Boogie-Woman and her skills at taking out enemies and her battle with those Isis fighters and acted as Iraq's scarecrow for the innocent". So Ghost has heard of you."I can tell you read her files Lieutenant" Price said."you've been telling us about (L/N) for the past few months Price, everyone here knows who she is" Ghost responded.

"Hey L.T." another man appears, this time he has a Scottish accent."ye checking the recruit?" The man had a mohawk and was shorter than the other two."you're all excited to see the recruit is seen" Price said. Looking at the Scots man and the other comrades that are standing by the door wanting to check you out. To them, it was rare for a recruit to join them.

"Now now everyone, let the Corporal have her space" Price commands, ushering everyone away from your room," she's already been through hell so it's best off we let her have her space" Price closes the door to your room, leaving you alone once again. You sighed and laid back down and stared off at the wall. You have no idea where you are or how you got here but the most important thing is that you are now part of this task force 141. You've just lost your entire team and now you're already in another. You pushed those thoughts aside and are now focused on your new objective. Finding Tagiya and making him pay for betraying you and your comrades. You know that Tagiya doesn't know you're still alive which means your gonna give him one hell of a surprise the next time you see him." just he waits" you mumbled to yourself.

To be continued

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