Chapter 9

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A few days later

The streets of Las Alma were full of locals going about their day, the buildings were bright and colourful which made people wonder if the town itself was an art piece. Despite how beautiful the town was, there were cartels in the area. The location itself is close to the Los Vaqueros base, it was enough to keep the Cartel at bay.

It's now been a week and a half since the attack, your injuries have been healing faster than expected. The wound on your face has healed but it will be another 2 weeks before it will be well enough for you to remove the bandages. As for your hip and arms, your hip was still slightly damaged and you still need a crutch to walk but it's feeling a little better. Your left arm has healed and the wound's arm feeling a little better. Your right arm is still broken and will take another 4 weeks to fully heal.

As you stumble down the street you pass by civilians. Women with their children and men guarding their families like treasure. You noticed a group of children hanging out and playing with each other out on the streets. To you, they seemed happy that they were hanging around each other and playing like there is no tomorrow. As you watched them you suddenly remembered your comrades, most importantly Turner. You were still saddened by your comrade's deaths, and the vision of Turner being shot still haunts you and claws at your heart like a parasite.

'Why?' You thought to yourself,' Why did they have to die? They didn't have to die like that, I should have died with them, it's just not fair!' Your thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out for you."Disculpe, jovencita, ¿se siente bien?" You snapped out of your thoughts and saw an old lady with a concerned look on her face." huh? Did you say something?" You asked, forgetting to speak Spanish for a moment. The woman then repeated what she said in English."are you feeling alright young lady, you were staring off and your expression looked like you were having a thought" You were surprised that the woman understood you and spoke to you in English.

"I'm alright Ma'am," you said, trying not to sound distressed."I'm just feeling under the weather today, try not to worry too much about me" The woman then smiles with reassurance, "oh I'm just checking up on people in this beautiful town" she says."and I happened to notice you looking down today" your face lit up." and do I ask, you don't look like you're from around here" she added, "say do you mind me asking where you are from?" "I'm from Australia" you replied. The woman was surprised, "Oh my you're from overseas I see" She said, "I've heard of Australia before and I do want to visit it before my time comes" "Oh really?" You said, adding more to the conversation."oh yes dear" the woman said. Just then you then heard the sound of gunshots from behind.

You quickly turn to see who was firing shots only to see a Ute full of Cartels with guns. You huffed as they were just acting like idiots with the guns they have and thought nothing of it. That was when you heard yelling coming from the men in Spanish that you couldn't make out what they were saying. Next thing you knew, a bullet had whizzed past you, barely missing your head. The men had jumped out of the Ute and started shooting at you. Everyone around you started panicking and rushed away to get to safety and you managed to seek cover behind a building.

Bullets continue to fly past you as you seemed cover behind the building, you were outnumbered with no weapon and you were all alone.'Damn, those damn Cartels have me outnumbered!' you thought to yourself.' why the hell are they after me?' You grabbed your comms and radio base."Base! This is Bravo 1-9! I'm being shot at in the streets of Las Alma's! There are around 15-20 Tangos, all in civilian clothing!" It didn't take long for someone to respond."(L/N)! We're coming, just hang on!" It was Price's voice."I'll try my best" you Declared over the comms."Hermana! We are on our way hang on!!" Alejandro buds in.

A bullet had then ricocheted off a wall and managed to hit you in the arm which caused you to Yelp. You heard one of the attackers cheer had he managed to land a hit on you. You then noticed a door next to you, you tried to open it but it was locked. You then banged at the door for someone on the other side to unlock it but no one answered. The fact is, you are now pinned. Without a choice, you pulled your Pistol out from your pistol cap and tried to shoot the hostiles. You managed to shoot down 3 of them but it didn't matter as they still outnumbered you and have more firepower than you.

"Señorita (L/N)" one of the attackers called out."We all know who you are! To be honest, we all thought you were dead but it appears Tagiya has failed to put you out like a dog!" You were right, Hassan, Tagiya and their followers thought you were dead."just wait until Hassan hears about your return from the dead! Then there will be a big manhunt out for ya!!" You gulped, 'Damn' you thought to yourself.' if that happens, it'll put all of 141 in danger! I can't let that happen! Never again will I let Hassan hurt my comrades!'

"Bastards!" You scream out, "I will kill you before you can do such a thing!" "Kill us?" A hostile mocked, "You think you can take us all on your own with that pistol of yours? Don't make us laugh!" The firing continued as you try your hardest to hold them off. You know they won't stop shooting at you until they either kill you are they all run out of ammo. You know the 2nd scenario will take a long time to happen, in the meantime you'll just have to hold your ground until the others get here.

Then you noticed something get thrown towards your alleyway and land by your foot. You look down and to your horror, it was a grenade. You wasted no time kicking it was from you and it blew up just 15 feet away from you. Then another grenade was thrown at you and this time you caught it and threw it back at the hostiles and when it exploded it killed 3 hostiles. You began shooting at the remaining attackers but you only managed to fire 5 shots before your gun ran out of ammo, now you were screwed.' fuck, I'm all out!' You thought to yourself.' this is very bad!'. Just as you were lost in thought, ranting about being out of ammo you heard something being launched and before you knew it, the wall in front of you exploded from an RPG rocket, everything went white as you were blown back into the wall behind you and everything went dark.

You began hearing ringing as your senses came back to you. You slowly began opening your eyes and saw that you were buried in debris. Flashbacks of the attack at the bass began flooding your mind, it was like the experience was happening here again, you felt like you were gonna vomit when you caught a glimpse of a few individuals inspecting the area. It took you a little bit before your vision became clear and you saw your attackers.

"Bueno, Bueno, sigues vivo después de la explosión" one of them spoke."no wonder Tagiya failed to kill you, you just don't know when to die" He then points his gun at you while grinning, "Let's see if you'll survive this (L/N)" but before he could even pull the trigger he was suddenly shot from behind and he collapses onto the ground."(Y/N)! WE ARE HERE!!" It was Price, your comrades have finally arrived. Soap and Alejandro rushed to you and helped remove the debris off you."don't worry Hermana, we are here" Alejandro assured.

After removing the debris they inspect you to check for any injuries. They found a bullet wound on your left arm, your head had a crack on it and they also found a few ribs had been cracked."Come on, we need to get (L/N) to base now" Soap spoke. Throwing you over his shoulder, Alejandro helped carry you to the army jeep. As you were being carried away you yelled out to Price and Ghost who were shooting back at the attackers."LEAVE NONE OF THEM ALIVE!!! IF ONE OF THEM EVEN GETS AWAY THEY'LL TELL HASSAN THAT I'M STILL ALIVE AND HE'LL SEND OUT HIS ENTIRE ARMY TO KILL YOU ALL AS THEY DID TO MY OTHER COMRADES!!!" You were thrown into the back of the jeep. Rodolfa was in the driver's seat, and when Alejandro and Soap climbed in Rudy wasted no time stepping on the peddle and the jeep speeds off back to base.

"Soap makes sure she doesn't go to sleep" Alejandro spoke."she's taken a nasty blow to the head, she's not gonna stay awake for long" Soap stated. It was true that you hit your head and the fact that you have a gash on your forehead. "just make sure she doesn't lose consciousness, if she does she could die this time" Alejandro exclaimed. Soap pulls you up and holds you in his arms and begs you to not close your eyes. You couldn't understand what he was saying as your vision was becoming blurry and your hearing was becoming quieter and quieter. Visions of your previous comrades were flashing before your eyes and then a vision of Turner came up, his smile and bright-coloured eyes lit up his face.

"(L/N)! Don't you dare die on us!!" Soap yells, making you snap out of your visions. "(L/N) We are almost at base, hold on a little longer" Soap stated. For a moment you thought Soap was Turner or was it your imagination? Just then the jeep pulls to a stop in front of the base. Soap climbs out of the back seat, Alejandro and Rudy then helped carry you to the medical room where a medic was present.

"Medic! Hermana (L/N) is badly wounded" Rodolfo spoke."¡Dios mío!" The medic cries when he laid eyes on you and sees your condition,"¡Rápido, úmala aquí!" You were plopped onto the medical bed, and before you lost consciousness you saw Soap say something but you couldn't hear what he was saying.

To be continued

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