Chapter 2

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Three years later

(Northern Iraq)

It's been 3 years since you joined. You've graduated and you are now part of the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR). You've been deployed to Iraq due to some reports of Isis fighters causing havoc in the area.

Your training has paid off. You've graduated as one of the top students and became a sniper.

You are currently on a mission to take out a ground of Isis fighters that have been rumoured to have been kidnapping young girls and women to sell them as slaves. You knew the men very well, you've been stalking them for weeks and learned their every move and knew everything they did in their free time. They enjoyed harassing old people and beating up young children. They were the lowest of the low, evil scumbags and that's why you need to take them out. On the good side, they don't carry guns around on their day off which will make things easier for you.

You decide that you were going to face them head-on and dispose of them with your suppressed pistol. Without further hesitation, you made your move.

The four men walk through the pathway, the buildings blocked the sun which made some areas of the pathway dark. The men were chatting and laughing about their latest victims and how hilarious they thought when they pushed the old woman around and kicked her. They laughed so loudly that everyone could hear them, including the woman that is stalking them in the dark.

As they continued to walk through the pathway, a woman suddenly appears from the dark and stopped in front of them, making the men stop in their tracks.

"You guys happen to be Sadin Nār, Abbas Fajr, Ahlam Fadel and Roj Kūbrā, am I correct?" The woman asked. The men were surprised that a woman has dared approached them. Not only was she a woman but she had an Australian accent and was wearing a uniform.

One of the men, Sadin lets out a grunt before stepping up and staring down at the women," who the fuck do you think you are women?!" He said with venom in his voice."you dare come to us!?" The woman then smirks. The men were a little bit confused about why she smirked.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm here to send you to the deepest parts of hell" the men all looked at each other before bursting out laughing. One even starts rolling on the floor.

You just stood there, holding your suppressed gun behind your back, ready for the right moment.

After the men finally stopped laughing and calmed down, the Sadine put on his toughest expression and tried to intimidate you which didn't work." what are you gonna do women?" He asked in a mocking tone."Clean us to death with your women's hands!?" His friends started laughing again after Sadine's joke.

"No" you respond, "say, do you believe in god?" They all didn't answer and continued laughing. Your smirk then turns into a grin before pulling out your suppressed pistol and pointing it directly at Sadine."Because if you do, you're going to meet him very shortly!"

After your statement, you then shot Sadine right in between the eyes. His friends stopped laughing and watch as Sadine drops to the floor. They all stood there in horror as blood pooled around Sadine's lifeless body. You then pointed your gun at the remaining three," say, do you know what happens to dogs that harm people?" You asked the remaining men. You didn't get an answer as the men were too shocked to speak.

Without hesitation, you killed off the remaining three. "They get put down," you said. Looking at the bodies of the men who were once notorious for being one of the most dangerous human traffickers in the Middle East. Now, they are just the latest victims of the boogie woman.

'Boogie-woman was the nickname that everyone calls you. Some just call you by your name but your reputation has earned you the name Boogie-woman due to your ability to eliminate targets that were considered dangerous and even the deadliest of terrorists have learned to fear you. The innocent of Iraq have respected you for being their scarecrow and keeping the Isis fighters at bay with your fearsome reputation and deadly combat skills. At some point during your deployment, you fought a group of Isis fighters all by yourself and managed to kill 12 out of the 15 terrorists.

You make it back to base and submitted your report to your commander before heading to your barrack and flopping down on your bunk bed. Another mission is completed and now you can rest for a little bit. It's now been 3 years since you joined the army, and although you haven't seen your ex in 3 years you still have nightmares of him finding you. Now that you've gone through training, your now stronger and you could now take him on and make him your bitch, but it still didn't keep the nightmares at bay.

Knock Knock

"(L/N), the Commander wishes to speak with you" it was private Thomson's voice. "Coming" you called out, getting off your bed and leaving your barrack to head to the Commander's office.

You Knock on the commander's door and wait for permission to enter. "State your name and business" your commander calls out." lance Corporal (L/N) sir!" You responded."you may enter" your Commander allows you to enter his office. You sat down on the chair in front of his desk and listened to what he had to say.

"(L/N), with the past 3 years of you being in the army, you've achieved many things and became lance corporal of the SASR. It's very impressive of you, especially for a woman" Your Commander said."which is why as of now, your ranking is now at Corporal status" you were surprised that you've just gone up a rank.

"Now for the part on why your here Corporal (L/N)" Your Commander said seriously. Your immediate attention was that you were assigned to another mission to take out more terrorists." we have reports of an Iranian Terrorist that goes by the name Hassan that has been rumoured to have nuclear missiles" this information now has you feeling concerned. 'Nuclear missiles?' You thought to yourself.' now things are getting serious.

"Hassan has been reported last seen in Mexico, which is why I'm signing you to our team in Mexico along with a few of our men to go with you. Tomorrow, early in the morning, you'll be going to Mexico and will be under the command of Commander Jones. Do you copy?" "Yes sir" you replied. "Good, as of now, your duty here in Iraq has been completed. You are dismissed"

You stood up from your chair, salute your now-former commander and leave his office to prepare for your trip to Mexico.

2:27 AM

You and 3 other men board the military plane that will take you to the SASR base in Mexico. You plop your bags in front of a random seat and sat down.

'So, this Hassan guy must be a serious threat for the SASR to set up a base in Mexico' you thought to yourself.

The door to the plane closes and the next thing you knew, the plane has taken off and you're now on your way to Mexico. You were zoning out into your world that you didn't realize that you were sitting next to one of your comrades. His Helmet was off and it revealed that he has short black raven hair. And he had beautiful Green eyes. He was slightly taller than you and he was glancing at you from time to time.

After a little bit, you noticed the boy glance at you and turn your head towards him and he quickly shies away. You look away and continue to stare off into your world for the rest of the flight.

To be continued

The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dark Fanfic) (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat