Chapter 5

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You slowly began to regain consciousness and were immediately hit with a loud ringing in your ears. Everything was loud and blurry, your body felt heavy. After a little bit, your sight began to focus and you were met with rubble and debris. To your horror, you realize your base was in ruins.

You tried to move but you were met with a burning pain in your left arm. You let out a Yelp of pain before checking why it hurts, to your surprise you found shards of glass sliced into your arm. Turns out a window next to you had blown out and the glass shards flew into your arm. You then made a second attempt at standing up and this time you succeed but also discovered you may have a concussion, you brought a hand to your forehead and felt liquid dripping down your head which you discovered that it was your blood. You also discovered that a piece of glass was stuck to your right cheek.

You look around to see if anyone was alive but to no avail. All you saw was fire and rubble. Your base was destroyed. You tried to remember how it happened but all you remember was walking towards the training grounds and then everything went dark. Then you remembered those three men. Maybe they had something to do with this. Perhaps they were spying on you all to make sure you were all in range of the explosion.

In a last-ditch effort to know if anyone was alive, you called out, "IS ANYONE ALIVE!!!?!".......

...there was no answer.

You knew you couldn't stay here. With a heavy heart, you had no choice but to get out of there, knowing that your teammates are gone. You left without looking back to go find somewhere safe.

As you stumble through the forest, your arm felt like it was burning, you clutched it while you grind your teeth in pain. At times the pain would go but come back in waves of pain. Over time they finally stopped, which took your mind away from your arm and your plan on how to survive. You need to find some sort of radio to contact help and inform the remaining SASR that the base was attacked. For sure, you have no idea if anyone else survived the attack, for now, you are on your own.

Suddenly your ankle rolled and you stumbled over, and landed on your side. You groan a bit in pain but pulled yourself together and stood back up. Then you spotted something in the distance, to your relief it was a wooden cabin. You quickly rushed over to it and tried to open the door but it was locked. You then pulled out your knife and used it to pick at the lock and unlocked the door. You immediately entered the cabin and immediately called out to see if anyone was inside, "SASR!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!" You got no response, it was just an empty cabin.

You looked around and saw a first aid kit. You grabbed it and opened it and saw all of the things you need. Your priority was to remove the glass from your cheek and arm. You grabbed a pair of tweezers from the kit, carefully you removed the glass shard from your cheek which hurt like a bitch. After removing it, you covered the wound with a cloth to stop the bleeding, after a little bit you got to work with removing the glass shards from your arms. You knew it won't be very pleasant so you put the cloth in your mouth to bite down on while you remove the glass.

Shard after shard you pulled them all out one shard at a time, each one being more excruciating than the last. At some point, you started shedding tears from the pain. You were around 3 shards away from finishing when you just dropped the tweezers and dropped to the floor and clutched your arm in horrible pain. You spit out the cloth and groan as you shed tears of agony.

After a while, the pain finally went down and you knew you have to continue, "Come on (Y/N)!" You said to yourself."there are only 3 more shards to go". You picked up the tweezers and placed the cloth back into your mouth. You carefully removed the remaining three shards of glass, spitting out the cloth again and letting out a big sigh of relief that the pain was finally over.

After taking some deep breaths you patch up your arm and cheek and began searching the cabin for a radio or something that you can use to contact the main SASR higher uppers and tell them that there's been an attack at the base and you were the only survivor. After searching the entire cabin you couldn't find a single radio or anything to single help. You collapsed onto the floor with your back pressed against the wall. You felt hopeless and alone, you have no idea what to do now.

You sighed, stood up and went to open the door to the cabin to leave but when you opened it you found that it was after sunset. You decided that you were going to stay the night at the cabin because it might be too risky to move on a night. After all, it will be too dark. You shut the door and went into the bedroom that has a king-size bed. You sat down on the bed before laying down completely. You tried to take in everything that has happened today, you began to wonder if you truly are the only survivor of the attack. You didn't notice anything suspicious before the explosion and the explosion couldn't have been from a missile or artillery attack because you would have heard them coming your way.

The bed sheets felt soft and warm. Without realizing it, you had already drifted off to sleep.

To be continued

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