Chapter 3

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After hours on being on a plane. The plane finally landed. You blink yourself awake. Your comrades stood up and picked up their bags, you quickly followed put. The cargo door opened and you and your group walked out and examined your surroundings. It was early in the morning, just before sunrise and the air field you were at looked dry but not as dry as the air base back at Iraq.

"So...." A comrade inquired."is this it? Are we at the right place?" "Not quite" you replied."the Commander said the base is somewhere surrounded by trees and bush. So we must be getting a lift to the base because there is no way the base is like this, which is out in the open" then one of your teammates pointed to a helicopter which a pilot was standing in-front of it.

"Look, I think that guy over there will be giving us a lift to the base" he said. You all approach the helicopter."excuse me, are you the one that will be taking us to the SASR base in the woods?" You asked."the pilot nods."alright, everyone on board" you call out.

You and your teammates quickly boarded the helicopter and the pilot started up the chopper and now you were flying away and to the base.

2 and a half hours later

You stare down at the trees as you chill on your seat in the helicopter. Your teammates were minding their own business and you minded yours. Finally after waiting for so long, you finally arrived at the base. It was well hidden in the trees which made it a perfect hidden base.

You and your teammates get off the helicopter and was immediately greeted by your new commander. He looked liked a nice guy and he also looked slightly attractive."Commander Jones" you called out,"Corporal (L/N)" he calls back. You both shake each other's hand's, your teammates did the same."welcome to your new base" Commander Jones started," here, everyone in this base have one goal, and that is to hunt. I've heard your good a hunting down the worst of the worst Corporal" "yes, that's why they called her the Boogie Woman" your teammate stated. You smirk,"with your reputation Corporal, you'll fit right in".

After finding a room for yourself your now at the dinning hall, trying to enjoying your food. You were sitting with your teammates and some new teammates. You were all having a conversation and you were telling your new teammates about your time in Iraq and how you earned your nickname as the Boogie-Woman.

So far, you've befriended a few new teammates. Three guys named Tucker, White and Zaneson. They were all cool guys and they are dedicated to helping others and protecting the innocent, which is why you chose to trust them. "Excuse me?" You heard someone call. You all turn to see a man with a tay of food."can I sit here?" He asked. You smiled and nod,"sure you can" you relied. The man smiled and sat down next to you. The man looked to be that of Middle eastern descent and he looked nervous."you alright mate?" Your Teammate Turner asked with concern.

"Y-Yeah" the man said,"I'm just nervous about this man that we are hunting. I've heard that he's one of the most dangerous man in the world and I'm kinda scared" you but an arm on his shoulder to comfort him."it's okay, with our numbers we can easily take him out" you reassured him. He smiles and thanks you for reassuring him.

After dinner you and your teammates and new friends where chilling outside. You found out that the man that you comfort was named Elija and he was from Egyptian decent.

The night was warm and muggy and there was little to no light pollution so you can all see the stars and the Milky Way itself.

You were laying on the ground while enjoying the view of the night sky. Turner was laying next to you and your other teammate Huchets was sitting down next you with his legs crossed.

"Alright team" you said with confidence."in 2 days, we go Hassan hunting" you and your team cheered out. Everyone seems to have their hopes up and have determination to stop that man and his horrors.

But little did you all know, things will go down a path in just a matter of moments very, very soon.

To be continued

The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dark Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now