Chapter 10

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2 weeks later

2 weeks since the incident at Las Alma's, Price has forbidden you from leaving the base until all of your injuries have fully recovered. The wounds on your face have healed but now there's a permanent scar that stretches across the left side of your face. Your left arm is fully healed and your hip now feels better but your right arm still needs more time to heal. You now have 2 more weeks until you can get back out onto the field but your patience is running thin. You have been itching for the blood of Tagiya and making him suffer. The thought of spilling Tagiya's blood fuels your intrusive thoughts and you just can't wait to make them a reality.

After the incident with the cartel, you asked Price if all of the cartel members that attacked you are dead. Price said he and Ghost managed to gun down all of them but it didn't ease your paranoia. You constantly checked around the base and always had your gear ready for an attack.

It's currently last at night, you are in your bed and you just couldn't sleep. We stared at the ceiling while lost in thought. You haven't been sleeping properly since the incident and you were paranoid that an attack on the base will happen because one of the cartels did say they will inform Hassan that you are still alive and will send an entire army just to kill you. The others have repeatedly tried to calm you down but your anxiety was just getting the best of you. You twist and turn and counted sheep but it still didn't work.

After what felt like hours, your eyes grew heavy and before you knew it you were fast asleep.

You woke up to a loud explosion. You jotted awake and examined your surroundings. You can smell smoke and the air and it was dark but you knew something was wrong. Then the alarms went off, you quickly got up from bed and grabbed all of your gear and grabbed your gun and burst out of your barrack and began to investigate what the noise was all about. It didn't take you long to find smoke in the base," what the.." you mumbled to yourself." did someone overcook a cake or something?" You then came across a door that the smoke was coming from. You then opened the door and to your shock, you saw that the room was completely on fire and it looked like someone had detonated a bomb inside it.

"What the fuck?!" You yell out," Who set the entire room on fire?!" Then without warning, the room behind you explodes, your vision went white as you were rag-dolled across the base and was once again, knocked out cold.

You slowly regain your consciousness. Everything was blurry and loud, once your vision focused you saw that the base was destroyed. Your heart dropped to your stomach as it reminded you of your old base and the attack. You quickly get back up and began looking around to see if anyone had survived." hey! Price?! Alejandro!? Soap!? Anyone!!!" You called out. After running around you heard someone groaning. You looked to your left and saw Soap trapped underneath debris."SOAP!!!" You cried out and rushed over to help him. You removed the debris from him and swing one of his arms over your shoulder and attempt to help him stand but you learned that both of his legs are badly injured."(y-Y/N)" Soap whimpers, pain clear in his voice."Soap, you're going to be okay" you reassured him."(y/n)... you have to..." Soap was trying to say something to you, but it was hard due to him being in a lot of pain." you... have to.." "I have to what?" You asked him.

"You have to run" Just then a figure appears from the smoke, his voice cuts through the chaos and right into your ears."Corporal (L/N), I'd never thought I would see you again" It was Tagiya. You stood there, horrified that he has found you and now he has destroyed yet another base that you are sanctioned in." to be honest, I thought the rapids would have finished you off, but it appears that it will take more effort to put you out" Tagiya had his gun in his hand. This time, you point your gun at him and shot him before he could even fire a shot. He falls the gun with a bullet wound in his shoulder.

You carefully drop Soap and stride towards Tagiya with your gun in your hand. You stood over him with a hateful glare, you've waited for this moment for weeks and now you're going to send his ass to the deepest parts of hell. You then spoke your final words to the bastard that took your comrades away from you with your gun pressed against his head."Tagiya Zyani, what as everything that you have ever worked your way up to burn as you burn in the depths of hell" just as you were about to pull the trigger, you were suddenly shot in the abdomen and you fell back.

You clutch your wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. You glanced up to see who shot you only to see a group of people with guns approaching. One soldier helped Tagiya to his feet while the rest encircled you and pointed their guns at you. Tagiya grins and started laughing as he saw how pathetic you are now that you failed to finish him even after saying such a line." oh you pathetic moron, if you haven't just said that line of yours and just go with the shot you'd have me dead by now, but you have to be just an idiot and waste time on some stupid western line!" You glared right into Tagiya's eyes as a final act of defiance, his response was a smirk.

"Still defiant as ever (L/N)" he said."not like it matters now" Just then his men then began emptying their weapons by shooting every single bullet at you while Tagiya laughs like a maniac while watching you get shot up by hundreds of bullets. Each bullet explodes small chunks of your flesh.

"(L/N)!" You spring up wide awake in a cold sweat, Hyperventilating as your heart beats loudly through your chest."(L/N), are you okay? You sounded like you were having another nightmare." Soap said with concern. You took some deep breath's before replying."yeah, just another bad dream" You sat up and stretched a little bit before getting up."what time is it anyway?" You asked."it's 5:30" Soap replies.

"Thanks, now can you please leave, I'd like to get dressed" Soap gladly left your room. You got dressed into your uniform and head off to the mess hall and saw that everyone was up."Morning (Y/N)" Price greets."morning" you mumbled before taking a seat." your in a mood today Corporal, you alright?" Price asked. You blankly looked into Price's eyes before replying in your most casual tone, "Another nightmare, as usual". Price frowns. Soap appears and took a seat beside you, you glanced at him for a moment before staring off.

Price then began speaking," (L/N), your arm will be out of that cast in less than two weeks which will be plenty of time to prepare you for your first mission with us, the fact is that you did well fighting off those cartels before we arrived" you glanced at your arm before turning your attention back to Price." and one more thing (L/N), on the field, we go by code names. This is why we need you to come up with a code name" You thought for a minute, there were so many things you can choose to be your code name.

There's Stalker, Nemesis, Blade or even Ragna, but you wanted a cool name. Something that will suit you for hunting down the deadliest of the deadliest. Sure you can go by your usual nickname that everyone calls but which is Boogie-Woman but you thought it was too obvious and overrated at this time.

Then you remembered something.

A couple of years back, you watched a documentary about Ocean life and remembered a scene where a shark was being hunted by a pod of Orcas. You knew that Sharks were feared by many but Orcas were the only Animals that hunted Sharks. And that's when you announced your new code name to Price


To be continued

The Boogie Woman (COD MW2 Dark Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now