Prologue (Revised)

Start from the beginning

The Emperor of Austria-Hungary then spoke.

Franz Joseph: He's right, we must send a small cavalry force through to scout ahead.

Woodrow: I can send in some Marines to assist if you'd like.

Franz: That would be appreciated.

The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, then spoke out.

Mehmed: We must also send out some of our Navy's to the portal in the Atlantic.

Vasil Radoslavov the Prime Minister of Bulgaria suggested something.

Vasil: I suggest that we send a Dreadnought, with a few patrol boats and 2 Light Cruisers.

George: That would be smart, we don't know how powerful those creatures can become.

Wilhelm: Then I shall send one of my Dreadnoughts, the SMS Nassau. Can you supply the Light Cruisers, Minister George.

George: I can do that; I'll send the HMS Champion and her sister ship HMS Calliope.

Wilhelm: Wunderbar.

Woodrow Wilson sighed out loud to where everyone looked at him.

Woodrow: I'm glad we could resolve this world conflict.

Mehmed: Yes, no more loss of life of pointless fighting.

Franz: Yes, although that it was a Serbian man who killed the Archduke, I shouldn't have declared war on Serbia itself. 

Wilhelm: And I apologize for pushing you to do so.

Paolo: Yes, but here we are now.

George: Well then, it's time to mobilize our troops.

Woodrow: Let's finish this up then. I'll have the workers speed up the construction of the USS Arizona.

Vasil: Are you able to send the dreadnought when it's done?

Woodrow: I'll give it some thought, for now let's see how this goes.

George: I will also speed up production of the HMS Argus.

Woodrow: That might be needed for air dominance too.

George: Then it shall be done.

Poincare: Then I believe this meeting is over gentlemen.

Mehmed: Then it has been nice discussing this new threat, now let us return to our respected lands.

As every leader finished signing 'The World Unity Treaty', they all left the room and went back to their country to give a speech on the new threat, and it was that day the United Monarchies and Democracies of the World, or 'UMDW' was made.

(A/N) I had no idea what to name this damn alliance, I thought about it for about 20 minutes before just settling with this, if you got any better name comment it and I'll consider renaming this alliance.


Ryan POV.

Me and my Brigade were transformed into the 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade and are currently being tasked to enter the portal with a squad of Austrian-Hungarian troops, but for now I only have a squad of my own, and a mule for the Signal Corps Officer from the Army.

Me and my boys were standing in the new built Fort Vanguard, trench systems, artillery guns, field guns, and tons of MG's pointed towards the portal, in case anymore of the creepin' bastards show up again and try to fucking maul us up.

Me: Alright boys! Let's head to A New Reality! 

Marines: Oorah!

I saw the Austrian-Hungarian Főhadnagy (1st Lieutenant) Vili Fábián, the man I was partnered with, and his Squad of 6 A-H (Austria-Hungary) troops walk up to us with their horses with 3 of them on foot.

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