Chapter 13: The End

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As soon as Winnie disappeared, gold light surrounded the area, and the storm disappeared, leaving a clear sky.

A tear fell from Book's eye as he watched Winnie disappear. Knowing he'll never see him again.

"So, are they gone, like, gone forever gone?" Cassie asked.

"Like gone as in never, ever, ever, ever, coming back, right?" Izzy clarified.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Stop , Sanderson Siblings!"

The three girls jumped when they saw a scuffed up Gilbert running into the clearing with Billy's body right behind him.

"Don't worry. We're here to help." He said heroically.

"Yeah, you're're a little late for that." Becca told him.

Gilbert looked around. "They're gone?"

The girls nodded and Gilbert let out a huge sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. Oh. I didn't know what I was gonna do. I was like, my first move was to come in bold, like, 'Stop Sanderson Siblings' and then you's been like this the whole day." He rambled.

"Over here you directionless skeleton sack." Billy called to his body.

"It talked." Izzy exclaimed.

Billy's eyes widened and he moved his lips, realizing the stitches were off his mouth.

"Oh. I can speak."

Gilbert helped lead Billy's body over to his head. "Come on, buddy. Just bringing your...your body to your head here."

"I'm not speaking to you. Now give me my bones." Billy demanded.

Gilbert carefully picked up Billy's head.

"Don't you drop me."

Gilbert handed the head to the body and Billy reattached himself.

"Tis about time."


Billy looked down at his hands and saw that he was also starting to disappear.

"Well, it would seem as though their final destruction undoes all the spells of the wretched troll, Winston Sanderson." Billy observed.

Izzy's eyes widened and she pointed at him. "You're Billy Butcherson. The one that tried to steal (Y/n) from Winston."

Becca and Cassie's faces lit up with recognition as well.

"Oh yeah."

"Oh my gosh."

"Actually no, actually no." Gilbert cut in.

The girls looked confused.

"But that's exactly what you told us."

"That's what you told us too, then."

"Nope. That is not the story." Gilbert turned to Billy. "And I'm gonna make sure everybody knows the truth Billy. I promise."

Billy nodded at him. "Thank you. You're not nearly as vile as I thought." He let out a yawn. "But now, I must bid you all goodnight. To my eternal rest. At last."

Billy disappeared and the girls waved him goodbye.

Gilbert awkwardly turned to face the girls. "Becca I owe you an apology. Actually, I owe all of you an apology. You know for...everything."

"You know what Gilbert? It actually worked out pretty good." Becca replied. "Just no more magic candles, deal?"

Gilbert nodded in agreement. "No candle. Deal. Well, I guess I will take Book back to the shop."

"Um actually, I think I'm gonna keep it. Book could use a new home." Becca said.

"Okay. I guess I should check on Cobweb. He's seen a lot more action than he's ever seen in his life, I'm sure he's scared poopless."

"Gilbert?" Becca called.

"What's up?"

"We'll see you at the shop?"

Gilbert smile. "Yes you will. Discounts. Discounts. Twenty percent off. Ten...ten percent off." He declared as he walked away.


"So, what movie do you guys wanna watch tonight?" Becca asked.

She, Izzy and Cassie were walking down the dimly lit streets of Salem on their way back to continue their sleepover.

"Wait, sorry. Are we not gonna talk about what just happened tonight? Because I feel like I missed a lot." Cassie said.

Izzy nodded. "Yeah, I guess if you consider resurrecting evil witches, and then finding out your best friend is a witch, and then helping her do a spell to get rid of them as missing out, then, yeah, totally missed out."

"Or you know, just your regular Halloween."

"Oh yeah, totally."

"Do you think Susan has any of those cookies left?"

"Oh yeah."

"I'm starving."

"Me too."

Unknowingly, the three girls had started to do the same walk that the Sanderson Siblings did as they walked down the empty street.


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