Chapter 11: Power is Meant to be Shared

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Becca and Izzy arrived in the place where the siblings were doing their spell and saw Cassie tied up on the rock.

Izzy looked down and noticed Becca's hands glowing again.


Becca looked down at her hands in slight concern.

"Oh my god. The salt in the Walgreens, the leaves in the basement, Cassie's house, 16th birthday. You're a witch." Izzy whisper-yelled.

Becca shook her head. "Doesn't make any sense."

"None of what's happened tonight makes any sense." Izzy pointed out. "Okay, look, I'm sorry to have to rush this very big, very pivotal moment in your life, but do you think we can use your magic to stop them and save Cassie?"

"Guess we're gonna find out. Go get Cassie."

"Let's do this."


"Hey Winston!" Becca yelled.

The witches were distracted long enough for Izzy to free Cassie and get her out of there, while they were busy looking at Becca's glowing hands.

"Edward is a witch?" Sarah asked.

"I knew she smelled awful."

Becca fired blue lightening at Winnie, but it was pretty weak and didn't do much.

Winnie laughed at her. "This little witch against the most powerful coven in history. Sisters, who do you think is going to win?"

"Let me see, could it be us?"

Winnie lifted his hand and went to fire at Becca when a pine cone hit him in the head.

"Hey! She's got her own coven you witch!" Cassie yelled.

She and Izzy kept throwing pine cones at the siblings.


"Ah, my hair!"

"Kill them Winnie, kill them!" Sarah yelled.

She pointed at the two girls and purple lightening shot out of her finger. The siblings and the girls all paused as they watched Sarah fire lightening into the air.

"I...I am suddenly powerful."

Mary tried it herself and discovered she could also fire lightening, except hers was red.

"Oh, me too. Look Winnie me too. I myself am suddenly powerful."

Sarah and Mary started playing around with their new powers, allowing Izzy and Cassie to be able to run away.

Winnie turned and noticed them leaving. He became angry and fired his lightening at Becca which hit her in the gut.

"Stop dancing around you fools. Get them, get them." Winnie commanded.

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