Chapter 8: One Way or Another

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"Remember, stay the course." Winnie reminded them.

"Stay the course."

"Absolutely no more distraction—(Y/n)!"

Winnie pushed his sisters aside when he saw (Y/n) approaching them. Not looking very happy.

"How did thee escape?"

"That's not important. What is important is that you locked me your dungeon. Again!" She fumed.

"Sweetling, I know you're upset but please understand that I am doing this to get revenge on all those who are keeping us apart so the two of us can finally be together for all eternity. Just like we wanted." Winnie argued.

"Winnie, I want to believe you, but 300 years ago you promised me you wouldn't let this magic stuff get out of hand, and look where that got you. And besides, Book doesn't like that spell for a reason. What if it's dangerous. Please, just think for a moment." She begged him.

Winnie actually looked like he was genuinely considering what she said, when a new voice popped into their conversation.

"Hey, it's the Sanderson Siblings. Alright, looking good." He was a tall man wearing an orange stage hand vest. "I bet you're looking for the stage."

Winnie smirked and glanced at his sisters, wrapping and arm around (Y/n)'s waist. "Always."


The man lead the siblings and (Y/n) to a stage where they were hosting a Sanderson Sibling look a like contest.

The host on stage turned to them as they started approaching.

"Ooh, look at this. One last challenger emerges in the Sanderson Siblings costume contest. Looking good fellas, very authentic. And I see you also have a (Y/n) with you, nice touch, very nice touch."

"If these are all worshippers..."

"Then this must be, the alter." Winnie finished.

"Alright, let's give it up for...hey, Winnie, what do you call yourselves?" The host asked.

"The Originals." Winnie answered smugly.

"How original. Well, you're pretty late so back it up with the other finalists. Alright, we have a winner. Scary drum roll please."

"Ooh, a roll sounds delicious. Can we go?" Mary asked.

"We cannot go. We're about to win whatever this is." Winnie said.

"Alright, put your hands together for...The Sandersonettes!"

Sarah squealed with delight, thinking they had one, while a group hurried forward to collect the trophy.

"Wait. What sayeth thou? What sayeth thou?" Winnie asked in disbelief.

(Y/n) sighed deeply. She knew this was about to get ugly. Winnie didn't like to lose.

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