Chapter 2: Present Day

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🎵I was just a little ghoul when I heard his name. He's the graveyard legend of the dancing game🎵

Salem was now a beautiful modern town, and a girl with dark skin, black curly hair, and brown eyes named Becca was riding her bike through the streets of Salem.

🎵Rumor has it he invented how to knock 'em dead, he's the reason that we all say 'Break A Leg'🎵

The girl passed by several kids and adults dressed up in costumes to celebrate the spirit of Halloween.

🎵When the sun goes down all the ghosts come out. Zombies rise up from the ground🎵

Above Becca, a large looking bird flew over her head through the cloudless sky.

🎵Monsters come from all the lands, just to see the bones of Skeleton Sam🎵

She rode up to a big brick building, passing by several other students.

🎵Dance, dance, dance. The way he move you in a trance, trance, trance🎵

Becca pulled up to a bike rack and parked her bike there, and stepped off.

🎵Ooh, he make you wanna dance, dance, dance until you can't. Shaking ever bone like Skeleton Sam🎵

As she locked up her bike, another girl named Izzy skipped up behind her. She had shoulder-length black hair, and glasses. She was also wearing clothes with Halloween themed colors and patterns.

"Happy Birthday!" She exclaimed, making Becca jump. "Did I get you?"

She chuckled as she removed her helmet. "Yeah, you got me."

Izzy smiled in reply. "Oh, so my mom is, of course, thrilled you're sleeping over tonight."

"Well, Susan loves an event."

"Yes, she really does." The girl with the glasses looked to the side and saw a girl with long brown hair approaching them. "Oh, incoming." She mumbled.

The girl, whose name was Cassie, waved to them. "Hey, Happy Birthday." She said to Becca.

"Thanks." She responded.

The three of them started walking side by side, heading towards the school, and there was a lingering tension between them.

"Uh, so what are you guys doing tonight?" Cassie asked.

Becca shrugged. "Uh, birthday rituals, scary movie marathon. Same as every year, you know?"

Cassie nodded awkwardly. "Yeah."

"Hey, babe!" A voice called out to Cassie. A boy named Mike with short brown hair and a sports jacket ran up to her. "Sorry I'm late. I decided to have two breakfasts. Oh, and you gotta come check out Brian's car. We covered the entire thing in tinfoil."

Becca and Izzy glanced at each other, and then back at Cassie's boyfriend. "Why?"

Mike looked at them. "Cause it's funny." He responded, as if the answer was obvious.

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