"I said I might," Mark said with a sadistic grin, one that sent chills down the omega's spine. It took Donghyuck a moment for his brain to catch up with Mark's command and the implication of their conversation, but when he finally realized, he was quick to obey, whirling around and facing the opposite direction as he clapped his hands over his ears, squeezing his eyes shut.

All he heard was the last muffled pleas of the Red Moon member, a gargled scream muted by the barrier of his hands, and then—complete silence, eerie and chilling.

Donghyuck stayed stock still and didn't move for what felt like an eternity, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but when he turned all he saw was Mark, looking almost embarrassed with a line of blood splattered across his robes.

"I dragged him away so you wouldn't have to see his body. It's all over, you can look now," he said softly, in complete contrast to the steely tone he had used on the alpha. Donghyuck shakily brought his hands down and away from his ears, eyes lingering on the blood stain. Mark followed his gaze and uselessly tried to cross his arms over himself to cover it.

"I'm sorry. I'm usually not the one in charge of the actual killing... but the guards are too far away, I couldn't risk keeping him alive in case he tried to hurt you."

"It's okay," Donghyuck murmured softly, forcing his eyes back up so he could meet Mark's gaze. "Thank you... for saving me again."

Mark looked almost sheepish as he surveyed himself, going to pull out another robe from the bag Renjun and the other servants packed for them back at the palace.

"I didn't know you were trained in combat too. You looked... very experienced."

Mark froze, looking up at Donghyuck before he smiled shyly, shrugging.

"All the kings are trained in combat. It serves as a precaution, so we can protect ourselves and our queens in the event that there are no guards available. It's usually a bit frowned upon for the king to be the one that takes a life, though... I'm sure John will be very cross with me tomorrow morning when he finds out."

Donghyuck laughed a little, despite his body and mind still fighting to grasp their situation. His laughter seemed to help Mark relax a bit, the tension bleeding out of his shoulders.

"You and John have such a funny relationship," Donghyuck noted, resting his chin on his palm as he looked at Mark, "you're supposed to be the king, but I feel like he definitely holds more authority in your personal friendship."

"Not true!" Mark protested, pouting a little. "He's my captain. He answers to my rules."

"Mhm," Donghyuck giggled, "but here you are, worried that he'll disapprove of you defending us."

"Defending you," Mark corrected quickly. Donghyuck flushed immediately.

"Well, do you think he would've just let you live after he got me? You saved yourself just now too, y'know."

"I'm aware," Mark said easily, finally finding the robe he was searching for and holding it against his chest. "But you are my top priority. I'm not worried about myself."

Donghyuck's cheeks burned bright red. He hoped to god it wasn't visible in the faint moonlight. "That's stupid of you. Only idiots disregard their own safety."

"Idiots, sure. But also brave men," Mark grinned, "men with a responsibility to protect. I would put my life on the line for you over and over again, because that is my duty, and if I die trying to save you... then at least I can rest in peace knowing I did my job to the best of my abilities."

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