The Final Chapter

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The next day, Alejandro and Rudy woke up at 4 am. Unfortunately, due to their responsibilities in the military, their day was really short and draining.

Before they know it, the sun has set. It's time.

They quickly finished what they were doing and went to meet up with their captain.

-" You have to do it on your own. Bringing more people is too risky." - He said looking at both of them.

-" Where do we have to go?" - Rudy asked.

-" According to our intel, Hassan will try to cross the Mexican-American border TONIGHT. You'll have to hurry." - The captain said.

-" Do you understand?" - He added.

-" Yes, sir!" - Rudy and Alejandro said at the same time.

Some time passed, the guys were getting closer to the border. They still had some time left before arriving.

-" Hey Alejandro?" - Rudy started.

-" Hm?" - Alejandro hummed in response.

-" Do you think we'll catch him?" - He asked.

-" I hope so." - Alejandro shrugged.

They finally made it to land. Alejandro stepped out of the boat followed by Rudy.

-" Stay close. It's pitch black out here." - Alejandro informed.

-" Mhm.'' - Rudy hummed.

As they got closer to the border, they noticed Hassan already crossing it.

-" Shit...' - Alejandro mumbled.

As soon as Hassan stepped his foot on American soil, Alejandro and Rudy got to action. They ran out of the bushes they were hiding in and shot the two guys helping him cross the border. They used the ladder and climbed their way over the wall. As soon as they got down, the hunting started.

They searched through every house they ran into, it wasn't really effective but they haven't given up yet. They made it to a back alley where they got stopped but the American Police.

-" We're from the Mexican Special Forces!" - Alejandro yelled with his hands up, the police lowered their guns, just as they did, a rocket from an RPG came flying down on them.

The boys managed to get down in time but the police officers weren't as lucky. Rudy and Alejandro were now fighting with the cartel patrols.

They finally managed to get through the patrols and now were on Hassan's tail. Rudy ran into the last house while Alejandro was patrolling the streets.

He checked every room of that house very slowly. When he entered the last room on the top floor, he got stunned by one of Hassan's helpers.

He fell to the ground. As he tried to get up he got hit again, this time with more force. He looked up with the last of his strength just to see a barrel of a gun pointed to his head.

-" Do you know how I am?'' - A bald man asked, lifting Rudy's head by his jaw.

-'' You're a terrorist, pendejo.'' - Rudy answered weakly. Hassan chuckled.

-'' I'm a soldier." - He started.

-'' And I'm here to fight." - He stated dryly letting go of Rudy's jaw causing him to flop his head on the ground. Hassan stood up as one of his men pointed his gun towards Rudy's stomach. Rudy's eyes widened as the man pulled the trigger.

The man fired two shots, one in Rudy's stomach, the other one in his shoulder. Both of the men and Hassan ran away from the scene taking all important documents with them.

-" Rodolfo I'm moving interior, where are you?!'' - Alejandro yelled through the walkie.

-" They're gone, colonel." - Rudy responded shortly.

His whole body was in pain, speaking, moving, even breathing gave him excruciating pain.

-" Rodolfo what's your status?!'' - Alejandro yelled.

-" I'm not getting out of here, hermano...'' - Rudy said, feeling his body getting weaker.

Alejandro ran through the door scanning for possible hostiles before running up and kneeling next to Rudy.

-" Oh my god...'' - Alejandro said in shock. Rudy smiled at him weakly.

-'' You can make it... you're going to make it... Come on, let's get you up.'' - Alejandro said before helping Rudy stand up. Rudy just slid down a wall.

-'' Go... you should survive...'' - Rudy looked at Alejandro with his burned-out eyes.

-" Oh don't give me that bullshit! I want to live and not just survive... I can't live without you!" - Alejandro sobbed, his tears quietly escaping his eyes. Rudy took his hand and placed it on his cheek, wiping away his salty tears.

-" I let you down...I'm sorry'' - Rudy apologized.

-'' You did you're best... and it was more than enough, hermano" - Alejandro said in between sobs.

-'' Thanks for putting up with my bullshit for so long...'' - Rudy said, his light visibly burning out.

-" I'm proud of you, you know that?' - Alejandro said.

-'' You were always so brave... you always took the blame... the responsibility... You always kept your head up high...'' - He continued.

-'' I need to hear you say it... just this once... please..." - Rodolfo pleaded.

-" Say you love me..." - Rudy asked.

Alejandro wiped his tears and put his hand over Rudys, who's hand was still placed on his cheek.

-'' I love you.'' - Alejandro said looking over at Rudy.

Rudy's hand dropped to the ground as Alejandro moved his palm to place it on Rudy's cheek. Rudy was smiling as he took his final breath.

-'' You fought well...'' - Alejandro said with tears in his eyes.


That is the last chapter folks. I made myself cry while writing this and I hope you cried too! It's good if you did, that was the plan! This book is already over but if you want me to write another one, let me know in the comments!

I love you all, till next time! ~ Author.

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