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It's been 2 years since Alejandro and Rudy graduated high school. They joined the Mexican Special Forces last year and today was their day off, they don't get many of these days.

Ever since the guys joined the military their friendship was a bit messy, constant arguments due to tiredness, etc.

Alejandro was laying on his couch in the living room switching from channel to channel not being able to find something interesting enough that will keep him occupied for more than 10 minutes. Since there wasn't anything interesting on the TV, he decided to go on Netflix.

He put on the first show that seemed interesting to him. Not even 30 minutes into the 1 episode, he fell asleep. Alejandro was sleeping for a while just to get woken up by a loud banging on his door. He quickly got up and opened the door, at the entrance there was no other than Rudy, panting, looking like he was about to cry.

-" Oh thank God..." - Rodolfo panted.

-" Are you okay, Hermano? What happened?" - Alejandro responded with a low, raspy voice. The brunette looked at him and hugged him tight.

-" You weren't answering my texts or calls, I got worried and decided to see if you're perhaps at home... glad you're okay..." - Rudy said burying his face deeper into Alejandros chest.

Alejandro stood there for a second, shocked by the sudden action before hugging back his best friend.

-" I was watching TV and I fell asleep, I didn't hear you calling me, sorry for worrying you." - He chuckled.

-" Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea and we'll talk." - Alejandro proposed, Rudy nodded and stepped inside taking off his shoes and closing the door behind him while Alejandro went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

-" I remember I was so nervous when I was going to the military." - Rudy joked sipping on his now cold tea.

-" I remember that too! On our way there you were clinging to me like a little child! And for the first few days, you looked like a lost puppy." - Alejandro cracked up in response.

Rudy peeked at the clock.

-" It's getting late, I better get going. I have a duty tomorrow." - He groaned. He stood up and so did Alejandro.

-" Well, it was nice having you." - Alejandro said leading the brunette to the door.

Rudy hesitated before leaving.

-" There's one thing I haven't told you about." - Rodolfo stated, his heart pounding in his chest.

-" Well then it's not important if you forgot, right ?" - Alejandro said sarcastically soon realizing that Rudy was 100% serious.

-" It's been eating me up inside and I just think I should let you know..." - He took a deep breath before continuing.

-" I... Love you..." - He said unsure. Alejandro looked at him confused, making Rudy regret what he said.

-" I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" - He looked at Rudy concerned. Rodolfo looked up at him.

-" I love you, okay?... I've been bottling it up for some time now and I just couldn't hold it in anymore..." - He repeated. Alejandro looked at him with wide eyes.

-" I don't know how to tell you this but..." - That made Rudys stomach drop.

-" I don't like you that way... You're a great friend but I don't really see how would that work... Don't take it the wrong way." - Alejandro explained, Rudy tried to hold back his tears.

-" Yeah, no, that's alright I just... Thought you should know... We can still be friends, right?" - He said with a shaky voice.

-" Of course." - Alejandro reassured.

-" Okay I'm gonna go now...bye" - Rodolfo said before storming off.

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