Silly Conversions

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-" Are you okay?" - The older boy asked. Rodolfo hesitated for a while before continuing.

-" Yeah I just... I've been thinking..." - He finally spoke.

-" About what?" - Alejandro asked. Rudy looked him in the eyes.

-" I don't want you to think differently of me, or like it's your fault..." - He said unsure. Alejandro looked at him, signalising him to continue.

-" I felt bad after agreeing to join the military with you, I didn't really think it through and I panicked a little because I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship..." - he spoke. Alejandro looked at him with guilt in his eyes.

-" I didn't mean to put pressure on you and make you feel like you HAVE to join the military " - He tried comforting the youngster.

-" Our friendship doesn't depend on joining the military, if you don't want to do that, I can't force you, and neither will I TRY to force you." - He said, placing his left palm on Rudys shoulder.

-" You'll do whatever you think is the best for you, no matter what will you choose, I'll support your decision, amigo" - Alejandro finished. Rudy sent a quick smile towards the older man.

-" Now eat your ice cream, it'll melt." - he joked.

It was getting dark when Rudy finally said goodbye to Alejandro, he unlocked the door to his house and walked in, he closed the door behind him and took off his shoes. He made his way upstairs to his bedroom, he opened the door to the room, turned on the lights, and sat on his bed, he couldn't sleep, he didn't want to sleep, he didn't want this day to end.

Rudy wasn't tired, at least, not now, yet he still decided to change into more comfortable clothes. He changed and walked back to his room this time turning off the lights while walking in. He laid in his bed, recalling the day in his mind over and over again. The more little details he remembered about his best friend, the wider smile appeared on his face, he was recalling those little things until he got interrupted by the sound of his phone. He picked up the phone to see who texted him, he saw a familiar name. He unlocked his phone and pressed the notification bubble.

-" We definitely should hang out more often." - The text read. Rodolfo smiled at the thought before starting to type.

-" Today was really fun, and thanks for the ice cream, I'll pay you back someday ;)" - Rudy responded.

-" You don't have to pay me back, it was my idea ;)" - Alejandro reassured.

-" I will pay you back, I'll feel bad if I don't." - Rudy joked. Alejandro didn't respond for some time which confused Rodolfo, he looked at the clock.

-" Oh my god, 3:34 am?!" How long have we been talking for?!" - Rudy thought to himself. He then realized that Alejandro probably fell asleep and proceeded to try and rest some time too.

Rodolfo got up at 12 pm, which he expected due to how late he went to sleep last night, he finally got a good night's rest. He still didn't know what to do about his feelings towards Alejandro which drained him out a little bit, but he knew he'll figure it out eventually.

He got up and took a shower, then proceeded to eat breakfast.

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