A Big Day

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Rudy came back home and locked himself in his room. He sat on the floor next to the door and sobbed quietly.

-" I should have never told him about it." - He thinks to himself. He brings his knees closer to his chest and rests his head on them letting the tears soak into his sweatpants.

It's been a few days since the incident, Alejandro tried to reach out to Rudy but he kept ignoring him. Rodolfo tried to ignore him at any cost, even in the military. He was simply too embarrassed to look him in the eyes after what he said a few days ago.

Alejandro came up to Rudy during lunch hoping to talk to him. He tried to leave but Alejandro stopped him.

-" Listen, can we talk?" - He began, Rudys heart started beating faster.

-" Right now?" - Rodoflo answered. Alejandro nodded.

-" Fine... Just let me go put my plate down." - He said going to the cafeteria to put down his dirty plate on a tray.

He didn't want to talk to Alejandro so he was going back slower than usually. He got back and saw that Alejandro was waiting for him.

-" What took you so long?" - Alejandro asked. Rudy didn't answer him.

-" I have to talk to you in private. Would you mind if we went somewhere else?" - He asked. Rodolfo shook his head and both of them went to talk in Alejandros room.

-" Listen... about last week..." - Alejandro started.

-" I don't want to talk about it." - Rodolfo cut him off.

-" Well, I think we should." - Alejandro said placing his hand on Rudys shoulder.

-" There's nothing to talk about. It was a mistake. That's all" - He said shrugging Alejandros hand off of him.

-" I don't want you to think I don't like you." - He stated.

-" I still like you as a friend." - Alejandro finished looking into Rudys eyes. Rudy sent a glance at him before looking away.

-" You said that already." - Rudy responded harshly.

-" Why are you ignoring me?" - Alejandro finally said.

-" I'm not ignoring you." - Rodolfo answered looking at him.

-" This conversation's over." - He stated as he walked out the door.

It's been a week since Rodolfos and Alejandros "argument". They were sent on a few missions together which made them talk to each other but it still wasn't the same as it was.

Rudy walked into the room drying his hair with a towel.

-" You can go now." - He said as he sat on his bed.

-" I'll shower tomorrow morning." - Alejandro responded.

-" Your choice." - Rudy said as he placed the towel on a stool nearby and laid down in bed.

Suddenly their Captain walks in.

-" Boys. I have a mission for you." - He stated. The guys immediately looked at him.

-" You'll go tomorrow, at sunset." - He explained.

-"Your goal is to capture Hassan and bring him to the C.I.A. Alive." - He put a notice at the last word. The boys waited for him to finish listening with full attention the whole time.

-" Do you understand?" - He asked.

-" Yes, sir!" - The boys responded as the Captian left their room.

-" Get some rest, tomorrow will be a difficult day." - Rudy said.

-" You should get some sleep too." - Alejandro informed.

-" Don't worry about me, I'll be fine even on 30 minutes of sleep." - Rodolfo joked causing Alejandro to chuckle.

-" I'm not saying you wouldn't be, Hermano." - Alejandro said.

-" But you still need sleep, ESPECIALLY because it's a pretty big mission." - He scolded Rodolfo.

-" Whatever, DAD." - Rudy said as they both laughed.

Alejandro stood up and turned off the light.

-" Buenas noches, hermano." - Rudy said.

-" Buenas noches." - Alejandro responded as they both fell asleep.

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