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My death was a casualty. An unexpected accident in the eyes of the public that definitely wasn't an accident at all.

I'd always been a part of the huge play, that was the takedown of the organisation, no matter how minor it became as time went by- something i was immensely thankful for. But i doubt anyone expected all of the years of struggle to end with my death. Especially since we had the upper hand and were relatively safe.

I lay on the cold pavement of the roads. Unable to move as blood- my blood flowed out of me. It was a school day too and we were just casually walking back home like we always did. A too-loud car, a revenge-filled scream of anguish and a sharp turn.


I screamed as my body moved before i could even think. I used all the strength i could gather and pushed the three kids out of the way and felt the car slam against me. I rolled across the pavement and came to a hault. My skin burned. I could vaguely hear the screams of the kids, crying in disbelief of what had just happened, and in fear of what would happen to their dear friend. For all the years of getting used to seeing corpses and being in dangerous situations, they were still only 10 year old kids.

The car that became the cause of my death skidded across the wet roads and- loosing control, crashed against the roadside, breaking down into another accident. This time however, the car avoided any humans so there were no problems excluding property damage. If you ignore me of course. The person inside was most likely dead anyway.

"Ai-chan! Please stay awake!" "Haibara-san! You'll be okay, please don't close your eyes." "Haibara! Please! The ambulance is in its way!" Hands shook my form and slapped my cheeks, desperate to make me stay awake -because if i closed my eyes, I'd be dead. Their tears fell in my skin. The young voices sound strangely muddled. It was then that I blankly realised that I was dying as well.

Ah, so my end is finally here.... it's a pity Kudou-kun wasn't here. If he was, I would have died seeing his face one final time.... At least the kids are okay.... i... i saved them.... would Onee-chan(4) be proud of me?

Perhaps, the kids might mourn me, seeing someone they know covered in blood and dying infront of them was bound to bring trauma, i can only hope they'd move on from this. Perhaps hakase might mourn too. The sweet old man who took care of me as though I was his daughter. I know i would miss him. And Kudou-kun.....


It was a stormy night. The wind was still surprisingly gentle despite the darkening of clouds that were ready to pour down heavily. After years of hiding and tracing members of the organisation, we were down to only a handful left. The boss himself was dead, but some remained loyal to their apparent goal, and continued to try and expand themselves once again. As always, silver bullet-kun was one step ahead of them, constantly intercepting their every move from the shadows, leading the remaining crows to be suspicious of their own. I wasn't apart of the takedown anymore, my abilities nor knowledge of being a former member were no longer needed, so i was left to lead my life as normal as i could. Which was why, my death and the attempted murders of the kids was a surprise.

I assume it was due to a past grudge. Not alot of time had passed since I left the organisation anyway. Probably only around 2 years. It wasn't strange that there would still be someone who hated me for who I was or what I did. Perhaps they hated that fact that despite being a former member, i was living peacefully while they were being chased.

But targeting the kids in order to devastated me.... That was something I could not allow. I couldn't leave them to die for something they had absolutely no part in. The kids were regular curious kids who got into too much trouble. Their only sin was to concern themselves with the likes of me. And see what that got them. An attack that nearly would have killed them had I not pushed them out of the way.

I wanted to see the organisation's downfall with my own eyes.... I wanted to see the empire that destroyed my family, shatter and crumble beneath my feet. But I guess, I can't do that anymore.

The pain intensified, and i could feel my mind slipping. My thoughts became jumbled and confused. i struggled to keep my focus as i was being carried into an ambulance on a stretcher. It was like trying to swin against a strong current. Ayumi's hands had gripped onto mine with such strength, that I could feel the pain much more vividly than the pain I had received in the crash. I coughed, blood bursting out if my mouth and my breath slowly growing shallow and painful. And then, all of a sudden, the pain stopped. In just an instant, series of images passed by my eyes. I could see vague images of my parents, my sister. The days I spent being forced to study, endure various forms of torture. To work in a lab and create whatever i was told to. Finding out about my sister's death and betraying the organisation. Living in hiding as Haibara Ai. Being saved by Kudou Shinichi, hakase and the kids. Being able to live life for who I wanted to be and not for what I was expected to be.

Ah, i can see important moments in my life, i suppose this means that there's no saving me now. I only hope, that my loved ones move on and live happily, even if I wouldn't be there to see it myself.

Haha. I'm sure Kudou-kun would be surprised by how desperately i wanted to live right now. It wasn't that long ago that i constantly tried to eliminate myself, fearing i would bring harm to those around me.

I didn't even get to finish the antidote for Aptx4869....

But it's true now, i really didn't want to die, but it was inevitable. I was going to die, and there was no saving me. And just like that, my life was gone. All the pain and mind bogging thoughts i always held were gone. I was..... at peace.

Until i wasn't anymore.

Blink. Blink.

I was in a hospital room, being hugged by a crying woman. I recognised her as mother. She was in no way around the age to have kids, looking to be only in her teenage years, yet she had given birth to me.

Wahhh~ ahhhh~

Ah, and to my siblings as well.

Thus began my life as the youngest child of legendary idol, Ai of B-Komachi.


That's the end of the prologue for The Unexpected!! My mc is Haibara Ai or Miyano Shiho from my favourite anime of all time, detective Conan!! I'll do my best to explain certain references in the story. But if you have watched both or at least of these incredible shows, your in for a fun ride!

Reminder! None of the characters belong to me, but to the actual writers. This story is mine, a crossover of my current favourite fandoms.

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