"I knew you did not sleep!'' Taehyung said softly into the phone. He heard nothing from his except his breathing and his heartbeats.

"Won't you say anything bun?", Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook was too overwhelmed and was lost for words with Taehyung's confession of love and that too in the most unexpected way. He had seen this in dramas and read this in books but had never ever expected someone to do all this for him. He blushed as he looked at those glowing candles once again and tried hard to say something but was tongue tied.

"I'm waiting bun!", Taehyung said softly urging him to say something. He knew that the younger was amazed and too thrilled to speak anything as his silence spoke about it, but he wished to hear it from him.

Gaining control over his flurry of emotions Jungkook spoke, "Good Night tae!'' his voice laced with joy and contentment. Taehyung knew he was smiling as he could sense that from the tone of his voice. Jungkook suppressed his smile and said, ''Got an early day tomorrow...You too need some sleep after tiring yourself by doing something this beautiful. Good night."

Taehyung laughed a little and said, "Alright! Good night!" and hung up. He was convinced his efforts had hit the right chord in Jungkook's heart. He did not have the heart to blow away the candles that were depicting his burning desire and love for jungkook but understanding that it's not his dreamland, but a residential apartment, he blew out the candles and collected them emptying the premises, leaving a trail of his love in the form of melted wax. He dumped them in the bin and turned one last time to catch a glimpse of his love standing 20 floors above waving at him happily.

He waved back at him and drove off smiling and humming a song cheerfully. He had finally confessed his feelings for him and felt very ecstatic about it.

The mystical sight remained captured in Jungkook's thoughts all the time till he drifted to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

He woke up to a bright morning and a smiled appeared instantly on his lips as he recollected the late night incident. He remembered every bit of it and was certain that it wasn't any dream, but was nothing less compared to a fairy tale.

He pushed himself out of bed and got dressed for work and engaged himself in his daily chores lined up one after another which started with waking up Chanyeol for school.

After finishing all his work he hurriedly packed his lunch and grabbed his handbag and said, "eomma, I'll finish all the remaining arrangements for the birthday today after work. So I'll be home a little late."

"Okay son just be careful and slow. Don't stress so much." Mrs. Park said.

Jungkook hugged her and closed the door behind him. He took the elevator and reached the ground floor quickly and was sprinting towards the parking when his eyes fell on the traces of wax in the same place where Taehyung had lit 100s of candles for him. He glanced at it sideways and smiled but soon ran to his car as he was running late and drove off.


Kim Industries

"Rosy, I suppose you have shortlisted the names of the candidates?'' , Taehyung asked Rosy over the intercom. He was up early in the morning and reached his office to finalize a candidate to handle his business in the other states of South Korea.

Rosy had shortlisted three candidates suiting best to the profile and arranged for a meeting with them immediately as per Taehyung's instructions. Taehyung's business was fast expanding and he needed potential candidates to shoulder his responsibility.

After a brief meeting with each, Taehyung took some time off to finish his other pending work he had to wind up before he left for Daegu.

"Oops! I forgot to inform Rosy about the change in my travel plan'', Taehyung said to himself and immediately picked the intercom and hit extension number to Rosy's desk.

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