Chapter 1

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Knocking on Shadow's door, Sonic waited for his old friend to answer. When Shadow opened the door, there was a noticeable air of tension.

Shadow: What do you want?

Sonic: Hey, Shadow. Mind if I come in and chat?

Shadow: (Sighs) Fine, whatever.

Sonic entered Shadow's house and couldn't help but notice a backpack filled with supplies near the door.

Sonic: Planning a little getaway, huh?

Shadow: You could say that.

Sonic: How long are you planning to be gone?

Shadow: Honestly, I don't know. I'm leaving to train. There's a Chaos master in another dimension I've read about. I want to learn more about the Chaos Force.

Sonic: Another dimension? Training? Why the sudden urge?

Shadow: (Exhales) Why do you think, Sonic? Look at what's happened. Eggman nearly won, and Mobius came close to destruction. We barely pulled through.

Sonic: Guess you got a point. But we always pulled through in the end. So why not train here?

Shadow looked down at the backpack, his face filled with mixed emotions.

Shadow: Training isn't the only reason I'm leaving...

Sonic: Oh, and what's that?

Shadow: After it was all over, and everyone was rebuilding, the people started treating me differently, Sonic, like they were afraid of me...

Sonic: What?! No way, you helped save the world.

Shadow: Remember that Infinite made those illusions of me to fight the resistance and attack citizens.

Sonic: But that wasn't you. We all know that!

Shadow: It was still my face they saw.

Sonic: Shadow, you don't have to go. I mean, Mobius is your home too.

Shadow: To be honest, Mobius was never my home. I never really belonged here...

Sonic: Shadow...

As Shadow gathered the things he was taking and headed toward the front door, he spoke again.

Shadow: Look, Sonic, I just have to do this. I need to get stronger and find my true purpose in life.

Sonic: Well, you do what you've got to do, man. But promise me one thing.

Shadow: What's that?

Sonic gave Shadow a thumbs-up.

Sonic: When you're done with this training, come back, and let's race. What do you say?

Shadow grinned.

Shadow: You got it, Faker.

He tossed his keys to Sonic and reached for his Warp Ring.

Shadow: Watch over the place for me, alright?

Sonic nodded.

Sonic: Got it.

Shadow raised the Warp Ring in the air.

Shadow: Warp Ring, activate!

With a flash, Shadow disappeared, leaving Sonic and Mobius behind.

Sonic: Sayonara, Shadow. I hope you find what you're looking for.

Shadow emerged from the Warp Ring in a snowy forest near the mountains. He surveyed the area, took out a book and his emerald, ready to begin his training.

Shadow The Ultimate Fairy Wizard(Sonic X Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now