Girlfriend (Ch30)

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I'm in the kitchen, minding my own business when there's knocking at the door. Ava said we can't answer it so I'll just leave it alone. Ava taught me how to make a sandwich since she made one for me the other day and I enjoyed it. So I'm making one now.

Asch is in the lounge room watching some weird sock show while the others are in their rooms doing something. I don't know what they're doing and I don't particularly care.

I'm about to bite into my sandwich when the knocking on the door continues. It's getting annoying... But I ignore it.

Asch on the other hand storms up from the couch and over to Ava's room. "PRINCESS AVA THERE IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR!" He yells and I can't help but roll my eyes at his antics.

I continue to ignore the knocking, I know Ava's rules. Plus Asch has already rudely alerted I'm sure she'll deal with it. As I decide to just focus on eating my sandwich Asch decides to choose violence and storms away from Ava's door. "If she won't answer the door, I WILL!" He yells, I drop my sandwich and quickly run after him, he can't be serious right now!

"Asch no!" I yell trying to stop him, but he pushes past me and heads to the door anyway. He's angry so whatever poor soul is at the door isn't going to have a fun time.

With a harsh tug and growling angrily, the door opens as a fireball appears in his hand. He's breaking so many rules!

"Asch you moron! Ava said no scaring the humans!" I insist, whacking him on the head as the tiny human screams.

"Now look what you did! The tiny human is scared! Get inside and stop breaking the rules!" Scolding him as I shove him back into the apartment, I see Ava running toward the door, only to see the tiny human running away.

"Marlene!" Ava calls after her to no avail, the child is gone. "Asch, what the heck?!" Ava yells as she goes running out after the tiny human. Asch growls at me and goes to argue but I just turn my back and go into the kitchen to FINALLY eat my sandwich.

Asch goes back to watching the show and everything is quiet. Too quiet.

Trying my best to ignore the silence I take the last bite of my sandwich. Not long after Ava comes bursting into the apartment, "Y/N! ASCH! DAEMOS! LITERALLY EVERYONE! COME HERE PLEASE!!"

"What's wrong Ava?" I ask following her over to the lounge room, the other guys appear in the room too.

"Okay, I'm going to break this down for you all. I'm going to be babysitting." Ava states and my confused face turns into one of concern.

The boys start bombarding her with questions so I go up to her and quietly ask her, "Ava... Why do you sit on babies?"

Before she can answer Noi asks, "Huh, we never really asked about human babies... Where do they come from?"

My heart stops and my face goes red. I learned about both Daemos and Human biology. I don't want to explain where babies come from. 

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and try to change the subject back to this 'babysitting' thing. But then Noi decides to remember that I studied it! Noooo!!!

"Hey Y/n, you studied biology or humans as a knight, right? Like, for the Royal family and stuff. Where do babies come from?" He so innocently asks and I chuckle nervously.

"Uhhh, haha. I'm not going to talk about that. Right now we need to listen to Ava. Ava, please continue with what you were saying about sitting on babies." I ask awkwardly and Ava obliges without hesitation.

"So that tiny human Asch scared off earlier is Mrs Oates grandchild. Their name is Marlene and I'll be babysitting her, what that means is I'll be looking after her." Ava explains, and I nod in understanding.

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