Confused (Ch2)

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We walk around the alleyway-looking place. It's strange. "So this is E-arth?" Asch asks, I look over to Noi and see he's in pain.

"Noi?! What's wrong?!" I ask, "It's burning!" He yells looking towards the light. Confused I walk over to him and try to pull him into the shade with me but the light hurts me too. "Ugh! What the f-"

"What's wrong?!" Rhys asks and I look over to him, "Our skin! The light makes it feel like it's on fire!" I exclaim wincing in pain while Noi falls to the floor. I look over at him rolling my eyes, "Get in the shade then you moron!" I yell at him as I sit down in the shade.

"Hang on I can-" Leif goes to say something but is suddenly choking on the air. "Leif what's-" I go to ask what's wrong but then it hits me too. This air, its toxicity is unbearable! Why is Earth trying to kill us?!

Peirce stumbles trying to walk to the shade as the light is affecting him too. "The air..." Peirce says training off.

"I didn't realise the environment would affect us this much," Rhys says trying to regain his strength.

"Shadows... I need them..." Noi winces, "Then get in them!" I say panting, my body hating everything. Why is it so hot? And so stuffy? And so toxic? And so burning? What is wrong with this place?!

"Stay calm," Peirce says, controlling his breathing, "Wise choice Pierce. The effect is wearing down slowly, still, the air has toxicity to it." Rhys adds as he begins to calm down.

I feel the effects start to become more bearable and I drag Noi into the shade. He leans his head on my shoulder, he looks exhausted and hasn't even done anything yet.

"Maybe the humans expected us!" Noi exclaims and I shake my head. "Don't be daft brother. They must just live in a toxic environment. Which is odd but they would adapt to it. Great survival technique if you ask me. That way if they are invaded they have the upper hand." I explain, looking around the area, only to see Prince Ash on the ground.

Well, shit. So much for not having doubts you friggin moron. "Rhys, Asch is on the ground." I state and Rhys begins to panic, he goes to walk over to him but can't, "it's heavy." He states, bending down and placing his hands on his knees to support himself.

"We... Need... To... Heal Asch." Leif grunts, the air's toxicity, and the lights gaze wearing him down.

"It's hard to move!" Rhys yells as he falls to the floor. Meanwhile, I'm still in the shade and making no attempt to save Asch. Noi is my priority.

I turn my head, still surveying the area, only to see a small human running with a black bag and placing it in a big green thing. Noi is the shortest out of all of us and he's about 5 foot 8, this human seems to be 4'11, a whole foot shorter than me. "Guys! Human!" I whisper yell to them and they look over to me. I move my head in the direction of the short human. I believe it's a female as she has a similar body structure to mine.

She has long dark hair, tan skin, and what looked to be purple eyes. She's wearing a pink shirt thing with black pants, but the pants are short? Black shoes are on her feet and as she goes to walk away she turns towards me and meets my gaze.

I quickly look away cursing in my mind as she looks at the guys. We're weakened! And Asch has passed out! What do we do?! Do we need to do anything? She could be harmless... Though her short stature and cute appearance could give that impression to weaken her pray.

"Are you guys okay?!" She asks looking at all of us.

"Shit, what do we do!" I exclaim, worried. I don't know what to do! "It's got us cornered!" Noi replies and I give him a reassuring look, "Don't worry. I'll protect you." I say to him and he nods at me. Worry still on his face.

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