She's Not Dead I Swear! (Ch24)

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"Y/n?" I heard Mrs Oates say to me, trying to get my attention. I'm currently lost in my thoughts and fantasies and I might have gone into a temporary state of unconsciousness, but that's not certain.

Either way, I come back to reality softly, how can I not when the person I'm currently thinking about is safe in my arms? Turning my attention to the elderly woman I can see the evident worry in her expression. Was I zoned out for that long?

"Y/n dear are you alright? I've been calling your name for the past five minutes." She states, her voice matching the amount of concern that's in her eyes.

I smile sweetly in response, "Sorry about that Mrs Oates. I must have gotten lost in my own world," She smiles back and nods, the worry leaving her eyes. 

"Well I've finished drying Ava's hair, come with me and we can change her into warmer clothes." Mrs Oates says as she begins walking into Ava's room. I nod and follow her.

Placing Ava down gently onto the bed I then walk over to Mrs Oates who is by, what I believe, is the place where Ava holds her clothing.

"Why don't you pick something for her?" Mrs Oates asks, moving out of my way so I can get a better view of the clothing. I nod and glance through the clothing items.

I end up picking a white shirt that says, 'personality', as well as some comfy-looking pants for Ava. The shirt is also like the pink one she usually wears as it's got holes on the shoulder part. I hope it's okay, human clothes are different from Daemos clothing. I don't know what matches.

"Come on, we'll get her dressed." Mrs Oates says as she walks over to Ava with the clothes I gave her.

In only a few minutes Ava's dressed and I pick her up and move her so she is comfortable on her bed. Sitting on my knees next to her I notice her starting to stir. So I start stroking her hair gently and she falls asleep again.

Lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear Mrs Oates chuckle as she watched the scene in front of her. I turn to face her and raise an eyebrow questioningly. She smiles at me and responds to my questioning gaze, "Sorry, it's just. You're so kind to Ava. I'm glad she found someone who cares for her as much as you do." Mrs Oates says smiling at me.

"Kind?" I ask. I've never been called, kind before... "I'll go start on the soup, can you stay here and watch Ava for me?" Mrs Oates asks, I nod and turn my attention back to Ava as Mrs Oates leaves the room. She didn't need to ask though, there's no way I'd willingly leave Ava's side.

Kind... The word echoes in my mind. Daemos aren't known to be, kind. Especially not Daemos like me... I have to stay, this place is so much calmer than Daemos. This place is logical, not brutal. It has mercy instead of people begging for it.

I hope Asch learns that while everyone is here, that way if we do go back home he'll hopefully rule in more mercifully and logicallyhough that's asking a lot... The Daemos I hope for is but a pipe dream, unfortunately.

Although, before we came here everyone would do what we always do. Kill everything before it had a chance to fight back. Yet everyone has been so, docile.

With that in mind, maybe Daemos isn't such a lost cause... Maybe I'd even be allowed to stay here on Earth as an informant for Daemos.

Getting caught up in my ideas and hopes I'm brought back to reality when I hear Ava coughing as she starts to stir, "Y/n?" I hear her ask quietly, I smile sweetly at her.

"Hey, you're awake," I say softly, she attempts to sit up, but can't support her weight properly. So I put my right hand behind her back and gently help her to sit up.

"Thanks, where are the others?" She asks, her voice quiet and hoarse as she looks half-heartedly around the room.

"Mrs Oates sent them to get stuff from some potion called soup," I explain, my sight never leaving hers.

"Right, wait. Did you say, Mrs Oates?" She asks, confusion making its way onto her face.

"Yeah, I tried to find some sort of remedy in your home but couldn't find anything of use. I only studied a bit of information on human sickness during school and that was years ago, on top of that Daemos don't need remedies so none of the guys knew what I was talking about. I had to ask Mrs Oates for help." I explain to Ava, but she doesn't seem to be listening. Her sickness may have made her even more air-headed.

"So you've been taking care of me?" She asks, speculative of my behaviour. I nod and smile softly at her.

"Yeah, Mrs Oates and I even changed your clothes so you'd be more comfortable. I hope you don't mind." My voice is still soft in an attempt to assuage Ava's nerves. Nodding, she goes to lay back down...

Until the boys come running into the room. Well, all except Rhys. He must still be with Mrs Oates.

"Ava!" Noi yells and goes over to hug her, but I push him back and glare at him. "Noi, keep your voice down, and don't be so harsh with your movements. She may be awake, but she's still sick. You need to be gentle." I remark, scolding him. He nods and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, that boy honestly.

Once again, I don't fail to miss Leif's jealousy. If he wants Noi so bad all he has to do is ask him.

"I'm not made of glass Y/n, it's fine." Ava laughs slightly, well attempts to, but it turns into a coughing fit. Once she gains her normal breath back she looks over at everyone.

"Thank you all for taking care of me." She says weakly, I smile at her and Asch decides to make a stupid comment, "Don't flatter yourself human. You know why we need you, don't think of it as anything-" He goes to say more stupid stuff, but Ava's coughing cuts him off and causing me to panic "Are you alright?" I ask hopelessly, I have no idea how to help make the coughing stop.

The room goes silent.

All eyes are on me.

As I said. It's not normal for a Daemos to be kind, it's not normal for Daemos to care. 

"I'm fine. I just... Need rest." Ava says as she closes her eyes and leans back onto the pillow. The guys immediately think she's dead and start yelling.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" I whisper in a harsh and rather loud tone seeming it's whispering. It catches their attention, so I move off of the bed and stand in front of them all, "She's not dead she's asleep as she needs rest! Yelling will make it worse so everyone, GET THE HECK OUT! She's not dead I swear!"

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