"I don't need to go. I'm sure the pills gon help."

Jamie gave me a skeptical look, "You sure?"

"I mean, it could just be really bad of cramps. I've had them before, but this... it's just so intense. I'll wait a little longer and see if it eases up."

Niya returned with the water bottle, handing it to me. "Here you go, Mai."

"Thank you." I smiled weakly before throwing the pills in my mouth and swallowing some water. We stood in the bathroom for a few minutes and I felt the pain calm down, Thank God.

"Are you feeling better?" Jamie asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, the pain has eased up a bit."

We walked out of the bathroom and walked back to the basketball game, trying to blend back in with the crowd "You good?" Tee asked me right when we sat back down and I nodded. Everybody cheered as Jamel made an incredible dunk and I started clapping smiling at Ja.

"What the fuck?" I whispered as the pain in my abdomen intensified once again, making it increasingly difficult to hide my discomfort. I clenched my fists, hoping the pain would subside, but it only grew stronger.

Jamie noticed my discomfort and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Do you need to go to the hospital? We can leave now if you want."

I shook my head, not wanting to ruin everyone's night. "I'm going home. My heating pad is there."

"Girl it is not safe for you to drive while you got all that going on. We're going to the hospital. I don't care what you say either, We're getting that checked out." Jamie's tone was firm.

"Daddy we're going to bring Mai to the hospital." Teniya told Tee.

Tee looked concerned as he glanced at me, "It's that bad?" He asked and I nodded. He looked at the game then back at me "Aight tell me how it goes, I hope it ain't nun serious. Feel better."

With that, We left out of the stadium and went to the car and Jamie started the car and we made our way to the hospital and I clutched my stomach, hoping the pain would subside, but it only seemed to intensify with each passing moment. As we arrived at the emergency room, Jamie parked the car, and Teniya helped me out, supporting me as we walked into the hospital.

We approached the reception desk, and a nurse greeted us. "How can I help you today?"

"I'm experiencing really bad abdominal pain." I explained, wincing as another wave of pain washed over me. "I need to see a doctor."

The receptionist quickly assessed the urgency of the situation and directed us to the triage area. Soon, a nurse took my vital signs and asked me a series of questions about my symptoms. I answered to the best of my ability, describing the intensity and duration of the pain. After what felt like an eternity, a doctor finally came. They examined me, ordering tests and scans to determine the cause of my pain.

Finally, the test results were in, and the doctor approached us. "Semaijah, I have some news for you. You're not experiencing cramps. You're pregnant, and it seems like you're going into labor."


"What?!" Jamie yelled and Niya and the doctor looked at Jamie like she was crazy "Sorry."

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