Chapter 10 + epilogue

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A huge explosion sounded in your ears, suddenly when you were about to exit the car in search for a better way to by pass the mountain of guinea pigs, they suddenly blinked. Looking around for a second before quickly dispersing into the streets, heading off to who you guess their owners are.

Quickly the cars that were driving both you and Diane stopped at the clearing at the edge of the bridge where you could hear the huffing of Mr. Wolf climbing up from his grapple.

What he didn't notice at first were the stomping of trail shoes that belonged to a fiery eyed, red-head cop. Smiling so wide that she almost looked like she had the jaws of a shark.
Wolf, with his ears pinned back, slowly started to lower himself down.

But, before he could escape the absolute rage that Misty would inflict, she laughed in pure amusement when grabbing the grappling line and hoisted up every Bad Guy holding on.
"Haha! That is it,"

She pulled Wolf so close to her face that it almost made the canine squeak from the close proximity of her rage.
"There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time!"

"Wait, Chief!"
Diane called quickly, causing Misty's eyes to widen, turning to the red vixen in front of her, then slowly eyeing the female snake that accompanied her side.

"Governor Foxington? Vice (L/N)?"

"Don't do this." Diane cut to the chase, not even blinking when Wolf was dropped harshly to the ground, a small "ow" was heard before he slinked off to stand by his friends when the Governor's were talking.

"They didn't steal the Meteorite. They were bringing it back."

"HA!" The Chief guffawed.

"How could you possibly know that? Unless... Unless you were conspiring with a bunch of known criminals!"
Your eyes widened when Misty gave a devilish grin, that was most likely splayed out as a joke, but she it straight in the nail with the allegation.

"Well..." Diane started. You could practically feel her tense up, feeling herself not wanting to fess up so that the gang had a sliver of a chance to not be blamed for their "crime" quote on quote.
While clearing her throat she felt a scaly appendage wrap around her paw when she tried to continue. But her Words died out at the confidence in your words.

"Actually Chief, we both have a confession to make."
Misty gave a confused look between the two of you.
Also in time with the looks of surprise between the gang when they realized what was about to happen, at the cost of their freedom.

"The truth is we're really... Really —"

"Really a big fan of redemption arks! Yeah, we know." Wolf cut through your speech. Standing by Diane then placing his kitten into her arms for safe keeping.

Her eyes widened when seeing the smiles on his and his friends faces. You turned to look at them all nodding, seemingly understanding Wolf's word. As they all each held up their arms/appendages/fins to be cuffed by Misty.

"We're done running away."




"Chief, do what you need to do." Wolf nodded to the police woman, who practically had stars in her eyes.

"What?! Y... You're turning yourself in?!"

Wolf walked up to Misty with complet understanding, a smile forming on his maw.
"We might not have stolen the meteorite, but we did steal a lot of other things. It's time we took some responsibility. Start a clean slate."

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