Chapter 8

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The long walk home felt like an eternity for Snake and his companions, the sun was now overhead, and had beat down against everyone's heads before entering the shady area of where their hide out was.

But once the elevator doors opened, a heavy feeling of horror and shock racked through the gang's gut once seeing that absolutely everything was gone.

They all collectively yelled in shock, running in to try and find all of their valuable loot.

"Wolf gave away all our loot! We stole it fair and square!"
Snake chided, his tail tapping on his chest with vigor. Glaring at all the items, that now consisted of empty boxes and empty space.

"Now I understand what it feels like to have things stolen from you." Piranha took deep breaths, taking a seat to will himself not to cry. "I don't like it!" A small beat of silence came from him before giving out another whimper of disappointed anger.

"I really don't like it!"

While Shark had started shifting through all the boxes in the back, throwing some of the cardboard to the ground, Snake had slithered up to the fridge after shoving an empty box himself.

Smiling faces greeted him, every single picture that Wolf had stuck onto the fridge stayed put.
Snake's stomach grew sour, and his mind burned with hatred. Not wanting to look at the mocking pictures of his found family any longer, he opened the door to the freezer.
A single push-pop stared back at him.
Why would they leave something as stupid as a push-pop here?
Snake questioned himself. They took everything but that? What kinda idiot-

Snake's monologue had ended abruptly at Shark's constant blubbering of crying, his panic echoed through their base, making the acoustics around his head that much louder.

"We got no food. We got no money. We got no money we could use to buy food,"
Shark continued his fried panic, while the reptile grabbed onto the Pop and started to slowly coil it from the frustration.

"No food we can sell for money- We..." Shark sniffled for a solid second, before throwing his head back and crying out. Tears sloshed out of the ocean fishes eyes, the stress now getting to him and smacking him with full force.
Snake turned around with the Push-pop in his coil, slithering up to the great white to greet him in a way of trying to calm him down.

" All right! Okay, okay. Here, here take it." He placed the stick into his friend's fin, shoving it into his mouth to eat it.

"- Now, stop crying, buddy."

Shark let out a small satisfied hum when sucking on the orange flavored Push-pop, calming himself down by the flavor.
Webs had seen this, confusion plastered onto her face.
" Um... Snake, what did you just do?"

After she had addressed the obvious weird thing in the room, Shark stared at Snake's back, to which he had opened the fridge door, where nothing resided in.

Snake turned his head a small bit to look at Tarantula,
" What? My friend was sad. I was just cheering him up." The reptile replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world at this point.

"You..." Shark started, now seeing that everything clicked, and it made sense now.
"You did a good thing. For me!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Snake cut him off quickly.

"I just put your needs before my own."

"Yeah. You're being good." Webs countered.

"I'm not. I was simply making a sacrifice so Shark could be happy."

"That is the actual definition of being good!" She could feel her lips start to curl with new found giddiness.

"Snake! You! The worst one of us! The most selfish-" Shark started, while everyone started to chime into how bad Snake was, as he stared at all of them with a very unamused look.

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