(New years/Christmas Special

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Thank you all for getting this far into the story, it means so much from a person who just writes on a whim and it's really, only a few people who find my work enjoyable.

Now to honor the New year, I present to you a special!


So strap in! And Happy 2023 everyone! ✨🎉


𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐚 & 𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬

The air was starting to get extremely frigid during the winter months of the city.

Snow banks had almost reached three inches against the side walks, and clear sleet had ran over the roads, causing less driving to occur during the more dangerous areas.
Even though Chief Misty was put to even more work on the occasional "Keep the roads salted!", The enthusiasm didn't reach her eyes, rather wanting to bust some sort of criminal than having to do traffic duty.

Where this brings to Diane's and (Y/n)'s side of things, both ladies had been on their way back home. The Python had been nice and bundled to keep any unwanted snow off their scales, the cute Christmas hat that shark had given them both, sat at top their head's.

"I heard that the snow storms gonna get really awful tonight. The gangs thinking of just staying in for a few days if their door gets buried."
Diane said, a puff of warm air was visible even though her scarf hugged her muzzle.

"Damn, I was thinking of visiting them. I wanted to drop off some presents Sense Christmas is gonna be in a couple of days."
The snake pouted, the small shiver going up her spine when a sertain icy chill blasted Snowflakes against the uncovered part of her face.

"You can still do that, but I highly doubt you'd be able to make it back on tail by the time the storm comes around... And you know how dangerous it is when driving. I've been getting constant reports on it, even with the salt being placed."
Diane's worry was undeniable, the slight grip on her bag showing that the option was definitely unfavorable.

"I just... I don't want anything to happen."

(Y/n) sighed, seeing the puff of air from her mouth now.
Shaking their head before placing the tip of their tail on Diane's shoulder.

"Don't worry, if I'm not able to get back, I can always just stay with the guys. Nothing I can't handle,"
A laugh bursted through her mouth, but shook her head to rid of it when the vixen didn't look too impressed.

"I know how much work had gotten to us, especially now with the new work load being dropt at last minute. If you want, you can have a day for yourself, if you don't wanna join me? Maybe spend some time with a certain wolf?" The offer had slipped smoothly across (Y/n)'s forked tongue.
The thought had creeped into Diane's mind, a day hadn't sound too bad.

Sighing, Diane's eyes closed into one of defeat.
"Fine, but only if Wolf is alright with it."

"Jeez, you and Wolf had kept this relationship out of the public for this long and you still have a hard time trying to squeeze in dates?" The light tisk of her friend only spurred the fox into a state of flustered.

"Hey! I'm getting rusty just so you know! I haven't been so stealthy after the marmalade incident."

"Oh HAR HAR— Dee Dee, you need to loosen up. And I'm only saying this, cause I care for ya."

".... Your mocking me."
Diane deadpanned, another sputter of laughter followed.


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now