Chapter 4

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It was a relatively a nice morning, breakfast was served in an neat arrangement on the table

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It was a relatively a nice morning, breakfast was served in an neat arrangement on the table.
The table that both snake's had noted to have messed up the night prior, now neat as if nothing had happened.
Suspicious eyes were casted at the lavishly done food that sat quite beautifully before them, Ms. Tarantula poked the pancakes on her much smaller plate, checking for something.

"What'd you think Webs? Safe?" Wolf gave the tarantula a look to see if things were in order, to which she nodded and smiled.

"Dig in fella's!"

Chao's ensued, plate after plate of food was eaten and tossed aside for the next.
Cuddles was kept busy by most of the orderings.

"I hope you'll all be able to fit in the fits I had scheduled for you all. The Galla is right around the corner, don't ya know"

Everyone froze mid-bite, Wolf had a fork poking from between his teeth from the bacon he had been eyeing.
Shark's face had turned a chery red from embarrassment when forgetting his manners, placing the utensils down quickly.
Piranha gave a small wave, clearly unfazed from the female snakes presence.

Snake had rolled his eyes, shifting his curled body away from the other reptilian in the room.

"Um... What are you talking about Ms. Vice?" Wolf had asked expectantly, his paws had laced between themselves to look more civilized.

"I was informed by the professor that you are all going to this very special Gala, and it all came to mind that you all need to be prepped for the occasion!"
Her mouth had curled in a small smile before placing her clip board onto the dining table.
Rows of eyes had peered over (Y/n)'s head.
Small boards holding different kinds of clothing items that each individual animal could try on.

"Ooh! Ooh! I like that one!" Piranha had hopped onto the table, taking one of the many pictures that contains an array of nice suits.

Over the chatter of options that they would be willing to try, Wolf had placed his paw down over the clip board, his eyes shifting up and down over the reptile that only sat idle to the side of the table.
"Why are you helping us? Pray tell? Is it Ms. Foxington that's got you to try and shift your own focus? Because it can't just be the professor."

Ah, there we are. That question had the female snake reel her tail out, taking one of the papers that had a small picture on it.

"You see, Wolf. I have had many encounters with sly people trying to be sneaky. But..." a small laugh had snuck it's way through her nose before holding up the photo.

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