Dropping off, he soon reached the extravagant mansion littered with guards in and out.

The guard by the door asked him state his business. When he did, they led him inside.

The place exuded awe and you could tell that rich people really spent time and money on their design.

For example, there was a tiger sculpture with clear water flowing through its mouth into a lavish pool design surrounded by very beautiful designs around it.

Cheng Qi was from a more humble background so he sometimes saw these things as too lavish.

A woman dressed in very expensive jewelry and an all white blouse and trousers came outside holding a glass of champagne with faint noise behind her.

It seemed there was a party going on with a lot of guests inside when she opened the door.

" Oh. You must be Cheng Qi." Her laughter twinkled merrily.

" Yes ma'am." He bowed slightly to her in respect. He had to make a good first impression.

" I see. " She turned and called . " Tuying! Tuying, come here." She turned back around before waving the guards off.

Placing her hand on his shoulders, Fu Tuying who was talking to guests heard his mother's call. Dhe introduced when he arrived.

" This is Shiyun's new tutor. I want you to look after him for a bit."

" You?" Fu Tuying looked surprised by his appearance.

'' Yeah. I am the tutor." He smiled and turned to the lady.
" Fu Tuying and I know each other"

"That's great news! Then will you mind showing him around dear?."

He stared at Cheng Qi for a bit before gesturing him to follow. He led him upstairs without a word.

Cheng Qi always had a feeling that Fu Tuying didn't like him and so he tended to avoid him most of the time. Now he was tutoring his sister, that was going to be difficult.

" This is my sister's room but  you will mostly study downstairs . There's a party down there today so it will be in her room." He said nonchalantly.

He knocked on the door and opened it as Cheng Qi followed behind shifting his glasses .

As usual, the room was big and quite girly. The bed was the only thing dark coloured and neatly made .Everything else thing was scattered in place like there was a tornado in the room a few seconds ago.

" Shiyun. Where are you?"

A muffled voice and a head poked from under the bed. She got from under there and asked.

" What now?! Oh-" She paused when she saw the other person in the room and turned red.

" This is Cheng Qi. I assume you already know him." He looked at his sister pointedly.
" What happened here?"

"I'm looking for something." The girl looked a bit flustered as she discreetly started to push the thing under the bed or out of the way.

Fu Tuying rubbed his temple tiredly and sighed.
" Get your books. You are going to study in my room today ,so I call the maid to tidy up this place. Seriously, didn't mother tell you the new tutor was coming."

Fu Shiyun opened her mouth to retort but instead mumbled," I didn't know it would be Brother Cheng."

" What?" He frowned.

She shook her head and went to her study desk for some books.

Cheng Qi however was delighted. He would actually go to Fu Tuying's room today. This made things easier for him.

When they settled in the room, Cheng Qi looked through her books to find out what he needed to know and what to do. He asked her a few questions then went back to the books.

After a moment, he went downstairs for moment and Cheng Qi nonchalantly got up and paced around like he was reading the book attentively but was thinking.

He wanted to wait for a few more days to take action but from the way things were ,he would not have a chance to come here again so he better take the chance.

He sat down on the study desk and was about to stick a recording device behind the desk when he remembered that Fu Shiyun was staring at him as she sat on the bed.

" Here, redo this exercise and let me see what went wrong." She nodded and took the book and started.

Cheng Qi shifted his glasses and took the Chinese book to stare at it as he discreetly stuck the recording device at the back of the desk instead of under his heart beating in angst.

He sighed a sigh of relief and went to sit down on the bed with the girl. Just then Fu Tuying entered the room.


Thanks for reading. Why do you think Cheng Qi is doing this?If you're loving, Vote and Comment y'all.  Bye🌹🌹 and see you in the next chapter.

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